Blog updated | Arthritis Information


Well... i updated my blog. I'm not sure this is going to work out...


Clickable link for above.

Just keep going Hen and the rest will fall into line.
At least you have your writing and art that one can escape into..
Thank you for reaching out there to me Bodak. I was feeling "a wall". That's the last of my posts for the blog forever and ever, I promise. Amen. In fact, if I could I would take them back. Can I do that? (I hate technology)

I appreciate your website Bodak which I came across earlier. Your campaign to change the name is right on the money! Who can possibly understand what this disease is when by default it is associated with regular old arthritis... I think in my humble opinion that's the campaign sufferers and their caregivers need to take on. Not that there is a lot of compassion out there anyway. People are compassion-exhausted. At least I know I am these days.

Hope everyone is as well as they can be.


I would hope that you continue to write on your blog Hen.
It is very good therapy and also helps others to come to grips with this disease.

You are on a journey of discovery about yourself and, ...... others of a less compassionate (understanding) nature.
One of my big takeaways from this disease was that I needed to listen more compassionately to others.
