RA Dope Addict | Arthritis Information


I would greatly appreciate those of you that are telling people that I left RA Friends and this Board because I am too sensitive because I am over medicated- Not only is this incorrect information it is slanderous- as such if I hear of this again- or any mention of it I will take every step necessary to start a suit against you and your friends. 

I did not want to post this here but truly am tired of all the pettiness regarding my departure. It is nothing personal in general only directed at a few board administrators incapable of controlling their admin from making false posts and then pretending that it was ok while all along they knew she was doing it- Should anyone ever bring up my medications or state of mind unless they are my doctor be forwarned I will no longer tolerate this nonsense.


Brenda Ready

PS - No need to reply...just respect my wishes. Thank you



Things seem very calm and nice here. Where are these slanderous posts about you? This place has been very peaceful and uplifting. I don't post much but I do read them. It's a GOOD group.



I too read the posts daily however, only posted once myself and I agree with RozBuds I have never come across anything at all slanderous.

ATCBrenda, I only joined last month but I don't recall seeing any of your posts or reading any about you. With the exception of one troll who keeps trying to sell us things this group is a very positive and supportive bunch. Mass hysteria and confusion, your job here is done! 
I am just kidding.  I have no idea what anyone is talking about, I just wanted to say that.

These events occurred during  February 3rd I believe if you feel the need to know- this is a great board - Unfortunately someone on this Board made it impossible for me to continue associations due to her irresponsible behavior- she also had several other accomplices if you must know....RAFriends tends to pretend it never happened- but if you do your research- you'll understand why I have made this statement.

I posted this here as they often come here and I also posted the same message at RAFriends which they deleted- over there- they are good at that...They have a post where many were asking where I am.  The Administrator deleted it because she evidently doesn't believe I am serious about all this.

This is not intended for anyone other than those people that came over here and trashed your board once before-now since they have nothing better to do they continue the game in e-mails and IM.

BLReady38814.4587384259Ahhh...ok..I was wondering as well since I hadn't seen anything here recently...but I know who and what you're talking about now.  Yeah...rather sad behaviour.

I've been a member of both boards, and Brenda isn't exagerating at all.   She and others' were treated shamefully at the other board and caused a lot of us to leave.  She's a great person, a caring person, so please don't judge here because "you haven't noticed anything"  Go back to Feb. and check. 

Here's hoping that this is the last we hear of these childish things that have hurt good people.

Well, the internet is a breeding ground for weirdos.  Just know that those of us that are here to support will always do our best to make everyone feel supported and welcome.  I am glad I missed it all.   Brenda,  I am so sorry you left.  I do know why you left and you have always been a wonderful support to so many.  You have a long history with AI.  This is a great group here now and I hope that you decide to join us again.  Love-  RoxI agree Mary...everything that I saw of Brenda's posts here and the other place were nothing but very caring and helpful.  An absolutely wonderful woman!Brenda-I hope you will come back here too. I understand your frustration at such an inappropriate attack. No one here should be passing judgment on anyone else. We are all in this together and should be posting only questions, needs, support and advice. There may be difference of opinions but there should never be the cattiness that took place. I am sorry that it happened to you, I hope you will decide to come back.Nobody ever posted anything mean or spoke cross words to her in a post. Not here or anywhere. How do you know Lesle?She knows because she knows "everything" she is just trying to cover her countless discussions with others regarding her professional opinion of my state of mind and seems to think I am paranoid- Funniest part
I am well lets just say in limbo- I have had 5 panels run waiting on results for 2 more- had a biopsy Wednesday and go Monday to get tested to see if allergic to Enbrel....They took me off everything....I spent 5 days in bed detoxing sweating and shaking from all the meds going bye bye-both narcotic and non- I feel the RA creeping slowly back- but I have too many things to do before the sulpha expires and Dad who just spent 6 days on life support and another5 in the hospital is home now for 3 weeks and is getting better every day I am sure of a good flare down the road. 

One more week of visiting nurses and house should go back to normal- So Lesle get your facts straight okay.
Alright let us not dig this all up again!!!!  Lesle and Brenda please pm each other and discuss between the 2 of you what is wrong.  Everyone else needs to stay out of this, come on we are a board here to support each other, not fight with each other. So please no more harsh words or hard feelings let us just move on.  Friend to you all meme

Is there anyway that we / you could let bygones be bygones and be a part of the forum again?

We would love to welcome you back !!!! I personally don't know you but, you seem to be quite a fair, caring, concerned person;  something that this forum depends upon.

I do not know who you are or what you are talking about but, belive me if it has to do with people who are so boring all they can do to spice up their lives is mind the buisness of others and cause trouble in the proscess I can relate.

I came here to find info on drugs for arthrits. I don't want to spend money on insurance and perscriptions if they don't work or cause terrible side efects.

Broken Wing

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