New with questions... | Arthritis Information


Hi folks...

I am a 26 year old currently being worked up for arthritis. My rheumy is not really sure what type; during my last flare-up only my sed rate was elevated, but my RA factor/ANA were neg. My joint pain (hands, neck, wrist) went away during my last work up (though I stayed stiff), so we put things on hold... that was 2 months ago, and here we go again! I am in terrible pain, and this time it sees worse. I also have 1 oddly pitted fingernail, which seemed to start around the time this all started. Nice, huh?

I am so uncomfortable, and so worried about what kind of mom I can be to my daugter, if this IS a chronic condition. Any support or words of wisdom would be appreciated....

Hi Christie, welcome! I hope your doctor has got you on some meds for the inflammation and pain.  Even if you dont have alot of really visible swelling to the hands or feet doesnt mean that it is not there, especially if your sed rate was up. I wont lie to you and tell you that is easy running after kids when you suffer from chronic pain and fatigue because its not. But you find ways to pace  yourself and life goes on. You will be fine. I hope you get answers from your doc. soon. Good Luck and I know you will find lots of support here!