I just don't get it ! | Arthritis Information


Here is what I don't get. I was just reading the "Pain Log" thread by Lynn49. I read the post by Rab. Rab, as so many others, says that certain things make flares. Rab says that stress gives the "flares". Others have said that cold or hot causes pain. Others have said that this and or that gives them the "flares". Now me, cold, hot, stress or any other thing doesn't affect my pain level with one exception, sickness. If I'm sick, I'm flaring. Now that makes sense to me. If I'm sick, then my body tells my immune system that there is trouble in paradise and that the immune system need to start producing b cells and tnf cells and all the other cells that cause me pain, inflammation and damage but are so important to fighting disease and sickness. Now, don't go jumping on me as if I'm saying anyone's "flares" aren't real. I know that our disease is realy diseases, plural. Anyway, not sure of the reason of this thread, just seemed needed when I started it but now it may be just some passing of time and information.

Lev when I get sick I wonder if I am really sick or if I am just flaring? I got seen right away and got some medicine and my aches and pains got better. It does not always work this quickly for me but I am glad at least it did this time.
I spent several hours questioning what was going on with my body before making an appointment. You know I was told that when your sick you tend to hurt everywhere. Seriously my shoulder was flaring up and my neck was making all sorts of crunchy fluid noises. My hips were on fire.
I am not sure but I think I flare sometimes when I am not sick. Certainly my flares tend to last longer than two days most of the time. Oh I guess my shoulder is a bit sore yet but much better than it was.
I do think that most doctors say that stress can bring on attacks. I am not sure because maybe sometimes I am under stress and I do not have a flare come on, then other times maybe I do?
I guess we could start a pain log of our own and see what we come up with. Of course we are all different. Some of us may even have combinations of auto immune diseases and have different out comes or stressers.
Well said, Milly. Interesting post Lev.  I find that there are things that increase mild to moderate pain for me, the worst being rain, or drastic changes in weather.  However, I don't think of those as flares.  To me, a flare is an increase in pain to an extreme level, stiffness, swelling, flu-like feeling and extreme fatigue.
It's interesting on what makes each of us flare. Some with getting a bug or stresor weather changes. For me it is stress. I have been practicing breathing excersizes to help relieve stress ( along with lots of walks). When I have catch a bug I do not flare, weather does not effect me.
We are all so different with the same disease.

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