Mouth ulcers? | Arthritis Information


Anyone get these...chronically? I have been getting them more often since a month before my last flare. They are miserable and I have at least 4 right now. I wonder if the MTX is starting to do its thing or what. These sores and the!CRUNCHY
      IVE BEEN ON MTX AND NAPROSYN ABOUT 6 MTHS,TOOK A GOOD SIX WEEKS BEFORE I FELT ANY DIFFERANTE.NOT SURE WHAT YOU MEAN BY MOUTH ULCERS IVE BEEN GETTING WHAT IWOULD CALL COLD SORES AT THE CORNERS OF MY MOUTH.Yes crunchy, I've had sores in my throat and along the side of my tongue, even a few in  my nose. From what I've read they can be a side effect of methetrexate but I had some even before I went on mtx. How's your husband doing?More than likely you need more folic acid in your diet.  I get them and small blisters when i need to up my folic, I take extra the day before, of and day after i take mtx.Just take higher dose of folic acid with the MTHX, since the Dr.upped it to two a day I have not had any more mouth ulcers. It is one of the side affects of MTHX.

Hey guys,

Sjorgren's can cause the sore's also. In the nose, mouth, and throat. Also very dry eyes, nose, mouth and throat membranes. Just a thought. I still havent been dx'd. Been having an array of problems this last week, I go for a abdomnal ultra sound in am. Sever pains, Heartburn, and rapid dumping, alot of weakness.

Good luck

Well they are sores in my mouth along the cheeks and inside the lips. Sometimes I get them on the tongue or under it or on the roof of the mouth. Even though I have always had occaisional occurances, it has increased in frequency in the past 6 mos or so and now I am getting several at once. I think I will increase the folic acid. I also wonder--and maybe you other nurses out there would know this---if majic mouthwash would help releive them.  I cant remember all of the ingrediants in it, but the ora-jel slows the healing down if it is used to frequently. I need something though. They really hurt.


 Go to wal greens and get Zilactin for the mouth pain. It is along the same lines as Orajel, however it is on contact releif and very little if any taste, we use it on the kids teeth pains, its GREAT.

i am allergic to mtx but i still take 5 mg of folic acid i always get mouthsores before a big flareup  which i have been having one big flareup since last july so i have had lots of mouthsores...teresayeah...they are just about gone! For now anyways...