Confusing RA appointment | Arthritis Information


Saw my RA doc today and basically he told me that he feels that I don't have RA. The blood tests don't show RA and that he wanted to know who said I had RA.
I told him that his former office sharing RA doc. did.
He counter back with, "I've gotten no records from them, so I don't know what they based their dx on." He took me off MTX and the folic acid. So now I'm only taking advil with zantac and colchicine, (for my CPPD). He made me feel like I was wasting his time. I'm thinking of dumping him if I can get my GP to give me the colchicine.
   I don't understand why he feels the way he does since 2 other RA docs said that I did have it.

   MarisaI've had the same experience of different diagnosis from different doctors.  It's really complicated to corectly diagnose RA and you can have an overlapping of symptoms and diseases.  It took me years to get finally diagnosed. Are you seeing a rheumatologist now? If the doctor you are currently seeing is a rheumatologist, what about getting another opinion from a different rheumatologist.  The first one I saw dismissed me completely. My GP felt for years that I had an autoimmune disease but didn't know which one. Finally, after seing a second rheumy for 8 years my blood work supported RA.It's so frustrating and it takes so long to figure it out. I carry all my records from various doctors in a big ziplock bag from doctor's office to doctor's office. That way I can fill them in on what others have said.