smiles | Arthritis Information


Christmas Is almost here,  lets try to make people smile,  you know smiles are free, try giving them away.  A big smile and A Merry Christmas  to everyone you meet,  you never know it may be a pick me up for somone feeling low,  see how many  smiles you get back.

    have a great day.

Merry Christmas Rusty and everyone.......God Bless us all!! 

funny Levlarry,  good picture of you  LOL   just kidding.  SmilesRusty,
I thought the very same thing. Now that was funny and made me smile and laugh.
Rusty, I do this smile thing year round.  It's amazing how many people smile back. 
It's makes me happy too.
Merry Christmas and a big smile to you too Rusty! And to everyone else here at AI!   And From Kiwiland !!thank you each and everyone,  It's good to see people can laugh even with pain.  thanks for making my day,  I know it's a lot to hope for,  but please try to have a pain free Christmas
We got a miracle  this Christmas,  I died and they had to to bring me back  with  paddles,  then I was brain dead now I'm a walking, talking  miracle. 
You know,
I too am someone that usually smiles at everyone but, actually gave out more smiles because of this post. Well, Christmas must be very stressfull for alot of people because my smiles didn't work as well as usual. Of course the store employees, they were tired and overworked and not really in a joyful mood but none the less. I did what I could. It's all over now and I guess we can all get back to normal. For me it was so nice to spend time with loved ones. Every year I become closer and closer to them all.
levlarry2010-12-28 21:14:34