Humira | Arthritis Information


I'm new to this forum so bear with me. I took my 8th injection of Humira and was wondering how others are managing their pain with Humira and how long does it take to really get into your system. I'm not able to take NSAIDS or DMARDS so I'm really counting on this to help me. I have RA/PsA to deal with. At the moment, all I am able to take is the biologics. The NSAIDS/DMARDS have caused too many problems for me. My hands, knees, and hips are hit the hardest . . especially both hands. It's hard for me to sleep because I can't lay on my side for long without my hip hurting so it's toss and turn for me all night.Sasha,

I tried Humira and after 8 weeks I had no good reactions to it and my Rheumatologist said that if it were going to work I would have had some indication by then. He then prescribed rituxan. Fortunately there are lots of good choices. Hope you find your drug soon.
Hi Sasha!  I switched from Enbrel to Humira back in July.  I also take methotrexate.  I still have many of the same symptoms you have.  I sleep on my side too and my hips really ache.  I also have stiffness and soreness in my hands from time to time.  I do feel much better than I did prior to Humira.  I think it takes a few months to really see a change.  Best wishes!

I have just taken my 3rd injection of Humira.  The first seemed to have the best results but I got sick within three days of taking it and had to delay the others.  I do notice that I have more energy and that flares don't last as long and are not quite so bad.  It is better than anything that I have tried over the last two years so I don't want to give it up but I wonder if this is as good as it gets. 

I have been taking Humira for several years now.  I find it feels like most of the time I do not have the RA.  I still do have some days when my feet hurt, or my hands ache or get cramps in them, but I do have increased energy with the Humira and am the most normal or the closest to normal that I have been.    The Dr. says I am in remission.  I don't think it would be the same without the Humira.  Other than that--I don't know what I could tell you.  Either it is helping or it is not.  The dr. can tell a lot from the blood tests.  I took Humira for 5 years with good results until it lost its effectiveness for me. I started out on a biweekly dose for 4 months. I would feel good the first week and lousy the second. When the rheumy changed it to a weekly dose I did much better.  Some drugs you need to give at least 3 months for them to really kick in.  Good luckI've been on Humira a long time as well (3 years). It was not really effective for me until I went on a weekly injection and along with that was on Prednisone and Naproxen. It works well for me at the weekly dose. I was on Enbrel and Remicade before the Humira. They each worked for a few years and then stopped being as effective. Thank God for biologics though. Before they came on the market, NOTHING worked for me so I had completely uncontrolled severe RA for 6-7 years before starting on a "compassionate" program of Remicade.
Biologics generally work fairly quickly. If you're not experiencing some symptomatic relief soon, Humira might not be the drug for you, or you might need a more frequent dose. But, hang in there because there are lots of other options out there. I wish you all the best and hope you get some relief soon.