RA | Arthritis Information


Hello, Everyone,

I was wondering if anyone knows what percentage of people with RA eventually develop the serious form of the disease?


I didn't realize that there is actually a non-serious form of RA. So I am going to guess, 100%. I'm just messin' with you. You probably mean, how many "mild" RAers progress to
"moderate" and/or "severe"? This isn't going to answer your question but I think that you will probably appreciate this information. Hit this link and the IA Taxi will take you to:





Thanks for posting that info Lev.  I learned a lot from reading that - and I was diagnosed 4 years ago.  I never knew the actual definitions of "activity" and "severity".  Each time I visit the RD I have to complete a form that asks me to provide a number on a scale that relates to the "activity" of my RA - I just assumed that referred to how bad I was feeling that day.Thanks, Lev! I will check it out. I'm actually asking this question for a friend who asked me. I didn't know the answer or where to look.

V I have been taking plant "medicine" I got in the Amazon jungle, and the results are great.  Even my Rhumy is suprised at the progress.  RA has not gone away, but it is tolerableSharon,
When I was first seen for my pain in urgent care, the Doctor told me to take advil until my appointment with a rheumatologist that he had set up for two weeks away. Advil is an anti-inflammatory. It's what I took prior to being diagnosed .

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