Enbrel Tremors /Head pressure | Arthritis Information


Hi Everyone,

Has anyone that's been on Enbrel experienced tremors or head pressure?  Enbrel wiped out my RA but I had increased tremors in fingers, knees, toungue, lips...buzzing in one foot, also had head pressure ..not a normal headache but wierd pressure in my head.  After seeing a neurologist that said she doesnt have experience with Enbrel, she is having me get an MRI, if all clear then she says I can restart my Enbrel if i can deal with the headaches/tremors. A little worried to do this since the head pressure was bothering me all day , every day and why would tremors be increased like this.... Curious if anyone else has had this experience?  My tremors have decreased significantly, no more buzzing in foot and no more pressure in head since stopping Enbrel at the end of October. Was on Enbrel for about 2-3 months.
Hi Kelly,
I did a search for "enbrel tremors" and found quite a few that had the tremors.
If the tremors and head pressure were reduced after stopping the enbrel, I guess that it is probably caused by the enbrel? Maybe talk to rheumy about another drug option? So sorry 'bout your trouble with enbrel. I would probably look into another drug, just my unprofessional opinion. I have wondered about you. Please, keep us posted at least occasionally. One more thing Kelly, I would contact the enbrel people and let them know and see what they say. Generally they will write up an adverse event log.
levlarry2011-01-05 19:17:49Thanks Lev, it's always good to hear from you! Great ideas... The rheumy did mention we could try Humira to see if that works any different. I'm always a worry wart when it comes to trying new meds but need to do something. I hope you had a great holiday! It's funny how exhausted my body gets during the Christmas holidays the past few years even with vacation from work... I wish the "normal people" out there including your own family, could really understand what we have to go through .Enbrel ruined my life. They now have new warnings on the drug. I'm still " twitching " and a few other things since I was on it in 05....Sorry you have had problems while taking Enbrel.  I started on it Monday and had a headache for two days along with continual "pressure" - sort of like sinus pressure.   No headache today, but pressure continues.  No twitching, thank goodness.  Hope you get answers and resolution to your problems.  I think Enbrel is a very scary drug for some people.Klynn. Sent you a reply but your box is fullWould you describe the "twitching" as "shaking"?  I've had 3 Enbrel injections so far and this week I have been shaking at times.  I was holding a do-nut (shame on me!) and my hand was shaking so much it was embarassing.  Another day I felt shaky all over and had to go rest for awhile until the shaking stopped.  Yesterday while replacing my gas cap after a fill-up I was shaking enough to drop the gas cap.  The shaking is not continual - comes and goes.   In general, I just don't feel "well".  Can't see any improvement in RA yet, but only had 3 Enbrel injections so far.I would stop it if that were me. Tell your DR of new neuro warnings with EnbrelSounds like it was probably the Enbrel.  My only question would be if it had been in your system long enough to cause those problems.  It usually takes 3-6 months to get the biologics really working.  But-if the problems stopped, it probably was the cause.
When are you having the MRI?  Obviously I hope it comes back clear.  I hate brain studies, always makes me so nervous.
BTW-I had to stop Humira due to it causing nerve problems.  Crazy how these meds can cause all these problems.  But, as we know, RA can affect us in so many worse ways. 
I hope you get this all figured out so you can find a med that works for you.

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