Who drinks while on Methotrexate? | Arthritis Information


I've heard different opinions, curious to know what your doctor's advice is with this subject and what you do? 

I was on methotrexate for 3 years and at the beginning I was told to be wary of alcohol; maybe one glass of wine a week. After a year or s, my doctor told me that studies had shown that if you had no liver damage, then you could have up to 5 drinks a week. I never did. But I did have more than a glass of wine on occasion. I had to stop methotrexate due to nodules growing, but I have not yet started a new treatment (Since last June) I guess I am in remission, even though my blood markers suggest moderate/severe RA. < id="gwProxy" ="">< ="jsCall;" id="jsProxy" =""> Good for you Babs! I hope you have a great time next weekend with the girls!! It is funny how different the answers are from dr to dr ( Halifax - up to 5 drinks per week)Hi Kelly,
I am on methotrexate and was also told to cut down on alcohol.  My rd asked if I drank and I told her a couple of glasses during Friday and perhaps Saturday evening.  She told me to just try to cut it in half, and she watches my liver results with each blood test.  So far so good.......I think everything in moderation s/b ok.......
I was told it was alright to drink but not every day. I have couple glasses of wine here and there and so far, everything is okay. I stopped drinks that contain hard liquor though.I'm on mtx and take it on a Thursday. As such, I don't have any alcohol on the Friday or Saturday, but have a drink on the other days if I feel like it. As with everything, moderation is the key, that and regular blood tests which show me that my liver is happy with the present situation. A G&T is my tipple of choice.My first RD said NO ALCOHOL.  My current RD says a little wine isn't going to hurt me - just don't binge.  I never have wine on the day I take my chemo.  Probably have wine 4 or 5 days a week.Wow, thanks guys! Sounds like a little is ok. Few pints on the weekend. Liver tests are fine
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