Spring break time | Arthritis Information


I'm so happy. I get an 8 day Easter holiday from teaching. This week I did double duty teaching not only  my classes, but the classes of the teacher who shares my portable who was home nursing her sick husband who just got out of surgury. I'm back on the MTX and Enbrel and the sinus ct scan was normal. Still waiting for the pulmanry test to come back but it looks like what I've had for the last few weeks is asthma, not serious RA complications.A vacation is probably exactly what you need!  I believe getting proper rest can really help ease the RA too.  I think that mentally we can improve our health by having some peace in our lives with rest and enjoyment.  Working all the time wears us down.  Enjoy those days off. Linda,  I am winding down my vacation!  What a complete and utter joy it has been.  I had planned a lot of things to do over this past week... guess what??  I didn't do any of them!!  LOL   I have napped, watched movies, met with friends for lunch, etc.  I feel totally relaxed and almost ready to go back to work, for the last crunch time before testing!   Enjoy your time off. I'd so love a vacation like that!!Enjoy your time off, Linda!

Enjoy your vacation! I haven't had time off from work since last September. I couldn't believe it when the new schedule came out, and I had next Friday to Monday off! As my luck would have it, they called me into the office this week and asked me if I wanted to work the Friday and the Monday. When they 'ask' you for it, it really means they want you to go in... so I said I would go in for Friday. Too bad hospitals don't close for holidays... but, I am thinking of telling them that I can't do it. This flare is not going away, and I have worked double for a long time. I need those four days! lol 

I hope your vacation goes well, doesn't pass too fast, and you get the rest you deserve.



Hey girl, glad to hear you didnt have any serious resp illness. I hope you have plans to do a whole lotta nothin' on your days off! Have fun, relax, enjoy, and most importantly, take care of you!Thanks friends, We had sun yesterday for the first time in a month, so it was a double bonus.  Unfortunately, I got into a fight with my husband.  The business of him retiring and me getting diagnosed with RA at about the same time has been stressful. We've been married over 25 years but we're trying to adjust to our new situations. 
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