Arthritis or Diabetes Help | Arthritis Information


Medicare has approved a new line of braces and gloves made with a revolutionary product called Trioxon, and patent by Johnson and Johnson that will dramatically improve the circulation of the body and reduce the effects from Arthritis, Osteoarthritis and Neuropathy. Designed to assist in pain relief from Diabetes, Arthritis and Raynaud's Disease and clinically proven to increase surface skin and subcutaneous temperature between 2-3 degrees F. That rise is temperature is an optimal level to make tendons and muscles more pliable and elastic to provide optimal muscle function.  All of these products are Medicare approved and available to patients immediately.

Diabetes patients have a new product to help them with the numerous side effects caused by the disease such as chronic arthritis, neuropathy, chronic pain, edema and poor circulation. The Aqua Pump is a clinical therapeutic pain management and circulatory improvement system that can be used in the home. This all-in-one system combines heat therapy and cold therapy, allowing you to treat an injury, as well as help improve blood circulation and reduce the discomforts associated with Diabetes.

All of these products can be shipped directly to a loved one or family friend today to improve their quality of life. And since they are Medicare improved, there should be no out-of-pocket expense.

I would be more than happy to help you received any of the products

Terry Watson
Benefit Specialist
DME Health Services