Good Monday Morning | Arthritis Information


It a warm...well for Michigan

The temp is a balmy 12 and it's supposed to warm up past the freezing mark today.  That's the good news...The bad news is that freezing rain is in the forecast for tonight and tomorrow.
I'm off to pay some bills and then it's to the grocery store.
I hope you all have a good week!
Think spring Spring is a long way off......More blankets please !good after noon everyone, 
Spring is here we have daffodils  blooming in our yard, still have a few rose from last year
it has been in upper 50s and 60s lt can go from the 20s to 50s and 60s overnight or a few hours,  I'm enjoying the nice  days.  we have mild Winters with a lot of rain.  we have snow about evert 10 years  its not spring, we have a lots  of dense frog
wont be long before we will want i t to be cooler,  you know when its over a 100
have a great day
rusty2011-01-17 14:50:56Rusty,

I love reading your posts. They always make me smile.

It was freezing rain her in Missouri this morning, but then the temperature rose, and it turned to just plain old rain.

Spring is not that far off, but winter has its place. I try to enjoy something of each day, so that I do not wish my life away. LOL

Have a great week!

VWell, it is nice here in Florida today and getting wormer tomorrow, in the 70'sIt was 40 degrees today. Probably will not see many more days like this until March. So glad the snow melted off and we got some rain. It is nice to have a little break from the freezing weather even if it is just for a day or two.It is cold, cold , cold here today and supposed to get even chiller
On the plus side, the freezing rain passed us by.  More snow is on the way for this weekend though...
Maybe we'll have a February Thaw
Stay Warm!
Lynn492011-01-19 06:50:35