duragesic patches | Arthritis Information


Hello everyone!

Haven't been on for a while. Just wondering if anyone has had any experience with duragesic patches. ( i think i spelled it right ) My rheumatologist is putting me on them for chronic pain for my arthritis and fibromyalgia. I have been on everything else and unfortunately it has either worked sparingly, very little or not at all. I have been on tylenol with codeine and vicodin already.   Just hoping to get some insight from anyone that has tried this patch. I guess you wear it for 72 hours and then reapply a new one.
Sounds a little strange and different to me but I am hoping I get some relief and some energy!!! It would be nice to actually get up every morning and function and do something worthwhile.

Thanks to anyone who can respond.



I've never heard of that...but then again until I started hanging out here I haven't heard of many of the treatments others are on.

I do however use lidocain (probable spelled wrong) patches quite often. My Dr. gave them to me for pain in one part of my leg that has some nerve damage due to an old surgery; but he told me I could use them on any joint I choose if I found releif. Turns out I love them!! That's obviously not what you're talking about though because these I can wear for 12 hours at a time and then have to have them off for the next 12.

Good luck with your new treatment. I'll be interested to see how they work for you.


I've heard good things about the duragesic patches.  I have no experience with them personally though. 
here is a link for more info

I have patches but mine are 12 hrs on twelve hours off.  They are for my hands I wear them under the thumb splints and on really bad days they really help me out.

Are yours the lidocane patchces like I was referring to Meme? I was surprised how much I like them too...I'm going to ask my doctor for a refil on them today when I go. I just like to have them on hand. I mainly use them for my leg; but have used them in many other places as well...even my back.

I haven't heard anyone else mention them. They might be an option for a lot of people especially those that have stomach problems and have trouble taking pain medications.

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