Marisa got angry | Arthritis Information


Yesterday I was in bad shape. My joints were killing me, toes were cramping, and I wasn't a nice person to be around. Finally, I called the RA doc office and very nicely asked to talk to him. It took a few mins. but he came to the phone.
   I told him that he didn't have the right to tell me that I didn't have RA. That he hadn't done any bloodwork before my last appointment and didn't have my old records from my other RA doc. Therefore, he couldn't say that I didn't have RA. I also told him that maybe the MTX was doing it's job but we couldn't be sure of it. Then I demanded to be given my MTX. and that there should be follow up bloodwork. Then he again said that I don't have RA. I just said, "fine, I'm calling my lawyer." Then I hung up the phone.
   20 mins. later, the phone rings and it's the doc's office asking me what pharmancy to call in the order for the MTX.
   I don't like being like that but sometimes you have to be.

   MarisaGlad to hear you got the results you were seeking....but I'd advise looking for a new RD right away. That's going to be a very uncomfortable relationship from here on out. Lovie, I'm thinking of going back to my old RA doc as soon as I can think of a way to pay for the treatment. My insurance doesn't cover my old RA doc's office visits.

MarisaI hope the MTX works for you. That would make it all worthwhile. Sometimes you really have to put your foot down & say, "Take care of me."

That just angers me so. Doctors and their high and mighty BS. Good for you for putting your (demanding) foot down. He's lucky you didn't put it somewhere else. Isn't it amazing how the word lawyer coming out of one's mouth can make all the difference? By chance will you be searching for another doctor?

I sure hope the MTX kicks in and starts giving you some relief.

Take care of that foot Marisa Sue for future demandings.


Whew--hew!!!!Go Girl!

Way to go! Even if you do stay with him for awhile, I dont think he will argue about treatment anymore. I am proud of you!

If they truly think you don't have RA, maybe you have something else.

Way to go. Like everyone else, I think you need another opinion and another rheumatologist.