Pain Question | Arthritis Information


I always have RA pains in hip joints. I also have pain in both legs from my waist to my knees. Pushing or just touching on my legs causes pain. I'm wondering if this is just radiating pain caused by RA and bursitis in hips? Or could this be something else? Thanks.   Hello,

I have hip bursitis and OA in most joints. Sometimes my thighs and calfs hurt just as you are describing. My ortho says my muscles are weak because my knees are shot and I don't walk with a proper gait. I also have Fibromyalgia, and I believe that is also part of the pain I feel in my legs from time to time.

Sorry you are having so much pain. Have you asked your doctor about it?

VI have Ra and Fibro and nothing hurts worse than my hips . Its a terrible feeling and I understand what you are going through . Hope relief comes to you quicklyI also think that when you have swelling in your hips it can put presure on the nerves that go down the legs. My calves hurt very much when my hips are bothering me. Sometimes even more than my hips which is pretty bad. I think it is the sciatic nerve that bothers me alot.

I also think it puts some swelling on my lower back and makes the muscles swell then you get some wierd refered pain from the spine. It never hurts to see an ortho and make sure that things are alright.
