Do I really have RA? | Arthritis Information


For those of you who have been diagnosed...I'll give you a little background and please tell me if these symtoms sound familiar. 

- I've had Crohn's disease since 1993 and I know that RA is not uncommon in Crohn's patients (both are autoimmune disorders)
- I am on Humira for Crohn's and have been on it for about 1 year.
- About 4 months ago, I started getting pains in my hand, more in the soft tissue and I was thinking I must have hit my hands on something and it was just a slight bruise.  I would have a swollen finger and would just think I injured it somehow.
- Then, my fingers started swelling, and I noticed some hard bumps on my elbows.  Again, dismissed.
- Then is started coming on strong - pain in my wrists to the point where it feels like my muscles are stretched super duper tight and I can't even open my fingers all the way.  My fingers and palms are so sore that I can't make a fist or even take a cap off of a soda.
- Then it moved onto my knees, shoulders, arms, etc, and although I feel like it is the joints sometimtes, I feel as though it's mostly soft tissue pain.
- Some usual pain points are my throat (not like a cold), my salivary glands, my eyebrows, and even my scalp.
- The pain is worst at night after a long day of using my body, and MUCH BETTER in the morning when I wake up, which I knowis contrary to typical RA symptoms.
- I've also noticed that my knees are cracking and my shoulders sometimes.
I've seen a Rheumatologist and they will not commit to diagnosis.  My bloodwork comes up with immflamation, and other factors of RA, but I guess it could be lupus?  I don't know.  They put me on meds, but I'm scared to take it because 1. what if it's not RA and I have to deal with side effects of the meds, 2. why wouldn't Humira work if that is used for RA too.  Could this pain be a side effect of the Humira and not RA at all?
I'm just so confused and in so much pain.  From the outside, I look fine to people but on the inside, I am hurting and can't do the things I used to do.  I am only 30 and I am just really scared for what I have to deal with in the future - if I have RA, or if it's something else.  It's so terrible not knowing...
Most people with autoimmune disease will tell you that it was a while before they got a firm diagnosis.
A lot of what you mention  sounds like RA......and it sounds like other autoimmune diseases, too.
One would think the Humira would work and cover the added pain, but then maybe a dose adjustment needs to be made. Or perhaps it's an autoimmune disease that doesn't respond to Humira.
What meds have they prescribed for you?
If MTX is one of them, go ahead and take it. It takes a few weeks to kick in. Don't be worried about side effects. Your dose will be small compared to cancer patients. Be sure to take folic acid with it.
Good luck.
Does this sound like Fibro too? I am sorry and I will look for future post hang in thereI'm sorry you are having a hard time getting diagnosed. So far I only have RA symptoms in my hands and feet and what you described sounds like it. Inability to stretch out, swelling, intense pain when touched. I could gently hit something and be in tears (and I am not a wimp!)

I just wanted to know, have you tried the Elimination Diet? I have read it is highly recommended for people with Crohns. Please look into it if you have not. 

thank you all for your responses.  I have not tried the elimination diet but will look into it.  However, the Humira works wonders and I have no Crohn's symptoms whatsoever at the moment.  As soon as I feel well in one area, I get other issues - so frustrating!

Today, I can barely put weight on my lift knee.  This is so painful.
Hi. I was diagnosed with Crohns in 2006. I failed Remicade, failed Humira, now I'm on Cimzia. Since I started biologic therapies I have also had what seems to be arthritis. I have been told it is Crohns arthritis but now I am at the point where my gut is working but I wake up in severe pain all over my body every morning, my hands are swollen and achy every day. The pain starts to subside in the afternoon/evening, altho right now I have a sharp pain in my wrist and elbow that won't go away.

Last year I was told I do not have RA.

Last week i was dropping things left and right, I broke a glass, and I of the fingers on my right hand is CROOKED and drifting to the right.

I think I have RA but I don't know what to do bc 2 separate rheumatologists told me it probably wasn't RA. Advice? If I'm on Cimzia wouldn't it prevent what looks like joint damage?

I'm going to post in my own thread too but I am suspicious that biologics are triggering RA in Crohns patients.

Well the swollen saliva glands and the eyebrows. I honestly think my eyebrows swell but I am older so I wonder if they just need a lift. LOL I get swollen saliva glands and even a gland in my eye lid. I get glands around my jaw line that swell up also.
I think that the Sjorgren's makes them swell but I guess it could be from the RA as well?
