Achilles,ankle pain RA? | Arthritis Information


I have had Ra for many years and it started in my feet.  I have been taking mtx and enbrel for about 10 years. since June I have had some issues with the tendons on top of my feet and now the achilles are very very tight and I feel contact burning around the bones that are on the front of your legs just not to far from the shins, my ankles are also tight an feel burning.  I have tried naproxen and now they gave me new orthoidcs which seem to tight and make it worse, my questions does this mean the meds I am taking are not working? Or is it just a result of the Ra, my dr said I could start remicade, but I do not want to start something else if it is not going to help, I am very frustrated and do not know where to turn.

I on occasion get this too. It can come out of nowhere, last several weeks and then disappear. I am on Enbrel and consider my disease to be well controlled, even medicated remission.

Perhaps the remicade would help you.