Arthritis Information -Returning RA


My symptoms started about 6 years ago. I can recall maybe 3 times where I went to the doctor during the 6 year period because of stiff joints and fatigue. I had my first really bad flare (defined as really bad since I couldnt walk around for more than 10 min. at a time for a month) in Feb. this year. I think it had been working on my system for at least a year prior, mainly with extreme fatigue. Before that, my last problems were prob. about 2years before that.

So I guess it really just started off with symptoms that would come around in the winter, or if I was under alot of stress. But it didnt seem to really stay with me all of the time untill about Nov of 04. Everyone is different though, so you cant really compare the progression on one persons symptoms against anothers. I guess this is why some doctors are hesitant to make a diagnoses. If you ask me, I think that an intellegent doctor would look at the practice of Rhuematology as a challenge, and the immunosupressive disorders as diseases that command respect. Some of them do, alot of them are wimps---and their patients suffer for it.

I hope you find some answers here on the boards, good luck and welcome!