The Twelve Most Dangerous Supplements | Arthritis Information


The Twelve Supplements to Avoid

Aristolochic acid
Dangers: Potent human carcinogen; kidney failure, sometimes requiring transplant; deaths reported.

Dangers: Abnormal liver function or damage, often irreversible; deaths reported.

Dangers: Increased cancer risk, decrease in HDL cholesterol.

Dangers: Abnormal liver function or damage, often irreversible; deaths reported.

Dangers: Abnormal liver function or damage, often irreversible; deaths reported.

Dangers: Abnormal liver function or damage, occasionally irreversible; deaths reported.

Bitter orange
Dangers: High blood pressure; increased risk of heart arrhythmias, heart attack, stroke.

Organ/glandular extracts
Dangers: Theoretical risk of mad cow disease, particularly from brain extracts.

Dangers: Breathing difficulty, rapid heartbeat, low blood pressure, diarrhea, dizziness, tremors; possible deaths reported.

Pennyroyal oil
Dangers: Liver and kidney failure, nerve damage, convulsions, abdominal tenderness, burning of the throat; deaths reported.

Dangers: ABnormal liver function or damage.

Dangers: Change in blood pressure, heart arrhythmias, respiratory depression, heart attack; deaths reported.
Good information...thanks for sharing Lynn! Ron Brown...please go preach somewhere else! You're so antagonistic, you're not helping anyone here! Thank you for this info, Lynn.

Vthanks LYNN!!! Scary stuff Lynn.  I am very surprised that we can purchase these supplements.

Thanks Lynn. 

Gale, Vee, Babs, Jello, Snow and Lindy,
Thanks so much for the support
For the record, I'm not against supplements.  I take fish oil and vitamin D, as they were recommended by my RD and have proven science that backs up the benefit of taking them for RA.
What a lot of people think is that supplements can do no harm because they're "natural" and "natural" is better.
 Unfortunately some natural ingredients can be hazardous, and  the FDA has repeatedly found hazardous ingredients, including synthetic prescription drugs, in supplements.
Sometimes people need to look a little deeper and do more research, especially if they are getting information concerning "natural" products from questionable sources on the internet....
Anyway, I'm off my soapbox now and I hope you all have a good weekend
Thanks again,
Lynn, I couldn't agree more.  I use supplements but I make sure of the quality of the brand that I use and who manufactures it.  A certain kind of supplement can vary greatly from one producer to another.  LindyHi, Lynn,

A lot of prescription medicines are made from "natural" plants, so I have always been careful of unregulated supplements.

I have a lot of trouble with bursitis in both my hips...very painful. Magnesium was recommended to me by a friend. I am going to researh it, but I was wondering if you know anything about this particular supplement.

I had a friend who was referred to a gastroenerologist because her liver enzymes were high. Turns out, it was the "naturla supplements" she was taking. Ai Yi YI. The doc told her the natural supplement industry kept him busy.

Thanks so much for all you do for us.

V I agree that pharmaceutical companies fund biased research (it's so easy to do, you just change the parmaters)  to scare people off from herbal non-patenteable supplements.  However, just because they are natural supplements it does not mean that they are totally side-effect-free.
That's why I prefer homeopathy and that's been the way I put my R A into remission.   I would not touch a pharmaceutical for RA because of their severe side-effects.  But of course it's my experience and every one is free and should be free to undertake the path they choose to cure or manage their arthritis.  I just welcome objective information and I hope there'll be more and more all over the web. :)
