International travel concerns | Arthritis Information


Need your advice friends. Has anyone done international travel with extremely long flights(13hrs) and a lot of walking? I'm looking forward to a trip to Rome this summer but worry, especially about how I'll handle the amount of walking I'll need to do over cobblestones and up steep steps,etc.  I've never used a cane before but sometimes my legs give out when I'm tired . I don't know that I'll be able to find places to sit. Anyone been there, done that?

The longest flight for me was only 3.5 hours and destination was Las Vegas which requires a lot of walking but I did ok.  As long as you're with someone who understands your situation and you rest in between.  Of course you'll have to have on some comfy shoes.  My  husband and I are planning a trip in that area in about 3 years for an anniversary.  I wish I was going this year. 

I'm sure you'll have a wonderful trip...I'll look forward to hearing about it and how you made out!


I have always wanted to visit Rome. It sounds like such a wonderful trip! I know it is a lot of walking though. Wish I could give you more information. Maybe someone else has been there before. I have been to Rome a good number of times and your right there are lots of cobbled sidestreets and hills.  Are you going on a tour?? Just plan your days/sightseeing ahead of time, it's a great walking city but lots of crowds/traffic There are lots of small cafes/restaurants ,  so stop periodically for coffees etc so that you can get your rest.  A good idea is to change your shoes two or three times a day, i.e. take different types of shoes, I found changing into different shoes helps cos yoiur feet are not always in the same position all day if you know what I mean. I was very concerned about a trip to France last year, it was shortly after I was diagnosed but to give you some confidence, I made it OK. I certainly didn't have the same energy as before I was diagnosed but it was nice to know that at least I can still travel.  The flight is long but move around the plane, always take an aisle seat as well. Get plenty of rest before you go as well. Rome is wonderful, history and lots of it,  enjoy it and if you need any further info let me know.   Gill

Definately bring a cane.  It will help if you don't find a place to sit.  Also, there are some that fold up, if a family member and/or friend has a backpack or big bag (perfect for keeping extra snacks, water etc. for day out) you can fold it up and put it in there until you need it.

You will learn to lean up against walls to help your legs and a cane, feel free to lock arms with friends and/or loved ones with you to help your balance and take some weight off.

The last time I was in Rome, I was on crutches. I was with a wonderful group of people that was very understanding, & we all just took it slow. The hills and cobblestones were a challenge, but as long as I took plenty of rest breaks I was fine. While shopping or wandering the streets downtown, my exaustion gave us all an excuse for extra gelato and cafe stops!

Anyway, even with the disability, I had a blast. I hope you have a great time - can't wait to hear about it.

I managed with the walking because I already have my titanium knees

The flights home were the killer.  I flew from Toronto to Vancouver to Taipei to Sydney to Melbourne.  With all the stops in between flights it took about 38 hours.

If walking is a hassle in the airport you can ask for a wheel chair when you book your flight.  They will take you from the check-in desk through customs or whatever (you get fast tracked too which can be nice when you see everyone else standing in long lines) to your gate and you get to board first and get settled without everyone else bumping and rushing around.  When you get off you have to wait to be last but they bring you the wheel chair, take you through to pick up your luggage and take you through customs.  It can really help when you have trouble walking distances and carrying things.

Hope this gives you some ideas.

I was in Rome last October and had some trouble walking on the cobblestone streets, especially if they were wet.  As others said, be sure to wear good walking shoes.  I wore EasySpirit with add insoles.  Worked pretty good.  It also helped that I got an IM shot of steroids before I left.  That always gives me an extra boost of energy for at least 3 weeks!  Do walk around the plane, stay away from caffienated drinks.  Turn your watch to Rome's time when you get on the plane to start the transition.  That always helps me too.  When you get there, don't nap until bedtime.  Believe me, you'll feel better for it the next day.

Good luck.

P.S. Crunchy, I've been to Palermo too.  Great, great city!  Would love to go back.

Linda,  Use a cane or bring one.  They have made a great difference when I am flaring.  It gives you three legs and you can do your Charlie Chaplin imitation.  The first time I used it or a walking stick, I felt a bit wierd, but it sure makes you feel more stable.  So worth it.  That long flight would be very difficult for me.  Get up as much as possible.  Look forward to your stories of Rome. 