Need advice about leaving employment | Arthritis Information


I am a 44 year old who has worked since 2000 when my last child started school. I was always in an office setting( doctors) until 2007 when I decided to return to college full time to pursue a BA in social work. In the summer of 2010 I took the NYS civil service exam for NYS toll collectors and started the job in August. In the summer and even into the fall I felt ok even though RA and fibro made me sore and tired. I returned back after winter break to school to be faced with one of the most grueling semesters yet and even though the Thru way offers me flexibility as far as scheduling, on the days I am on call I darn well better answer the phone or they will not offer me any shifts for weeks( not that its not my turn ,the supervisors just get mad). I have been battling both Ra and fibro for 5 years along with depression and anxiety . I am doing well with the dep and anx. but the 8 hours on my feet or sitting on a medal stool not to mention the wind rain and snow and freezing feet and hands, has gotten to be alot on my body. I dont want to sound like I am looking for sympathy just some advice before I quit a fairly well paying job.
I have done everything medically I am suppose to, always keep doc appts went to a pain management consult etc, but nothing is helping. I know quitting work would do my body some good and relieve a lot pf stress( I am not up to par counting money mostly due to the fogginess in my brain or the pain that says"hurry count this money so you can get home and sleep" My husband has a good job that supports us just fine so my decision to work came from me not wanting to sit home all the time.
my question is I never told the thruway that I have RA and I do believe I am going to quit and disability has gone through my head more than once. Both my RA doc and Primary are aware I would like to work( reason I wanted an education) . But since It is so well documented over these years that I am not improving do you think I have a shot at disability? Should I tell my employer I am quiting because of medical reasons?( as far as applying for disability ins)I just want to do everything I can to do things correctly. And also once I finish school can I get off of disability and work again, I think I will be much better in a warm office. Any and all advice is welcomed!!!
Thanks ChrisIf you are suffering from depression you need to continue working in my opinion. Are there any other job possibilities? Can you do some type of exercises in the tollbooth?

You appear to be on a lot of meds that don't sound like they are working. Have you tried other biologics?I have tried enbrel, humaira and now remicade. The depression was before the RA but Cymbalta is doing a great job and has for a few years. And i hear you about working and depression , I appreciate your your respnce!! I had to make the same decision in Sept.  I started the school year late due to the joint replacements and only made it to work for 10 days before being admitted to the hospital.

One thing that everyone told me was that when it is time to go on disability, you will know.  Your body will tell you, but it can be hard to listen.  I finally accepted the situation when I was on the cardiac floor.  Scary stuff. 
I am lucky in the fact that SS approved me after two months.  Talk about being shocked!  I was told that some people can get awarded disability while they are still working.  It just doesn't happen often.  Since I only made it back 10 days, SS had my last working day to be back in June.  Usually, most people who apply are no longer working. 
When you find yourself taking more and more days off for medical reasons, it's probably time to explore your options.  Regardless of what you decide to do, it's not an easy decision.
thanks Rebecca, I hope today is relatively pain free for you~