Is Is Hydrocodone Common Practice? | Arthritis Information


My Rhuemy has always been reluctant to prescribe hydrocodone/Vicodin on the theory that I would do damage because I would be numb to the pain. Well a few weeks back, my back went out, and after 4 doses of  Solumedrol and a Pred burst pack he finally caved in and prescribed 7.5/325mg of Hydrocodone. Wow! It really only took the edge of my back pain, but the rest of all my moderate/severe body aches and pains were gone. I actually felt good for once in a long time. Now that I only have a few pills left, Im scared that he wont give me a refill because of his "theory", and I'll have to go back to living in constant pain. My question is, do any of you use hydrocodone  as part of your daily medications?

Now taking :
Ibuprofin 800mg 3imes a day

Sidebite2011-02-07 01:18:09Well my doc gave me tramadol for pain even though my knees where hurting so bad i was thinking of quiting work and im the sole provider for my family. My pain has gotten better for the moat part with treatment of psa. In my comunity there is a huge push for nonnarcatic pain solutions. Good to an extent but then some people that acually need them cannt get them. I had back surgery L5S1 in november of 08 and was only given 15 lortabs for pain and told to take ibeprfen after that. I hope you can find some relief from your pain.Hi and welcome to the forum.  No doctor should allow their patient to continue to be in chronic pain.  There are several pain meds and if the pain is that bad then your current medication regimen isn't working.  I take Tramadol on days when I have mild pain and have a lot to do.  On other days I take Vicodin, especially when my back begins hurting and I have a zillion things to do for work.  Sometimes I can go a month and not take a Vicodin and then there are days when 3 don't help.  There are creams that can be rubbed on the skin to help with localized pain and their are Lidocaine patches that work well for me.  Talk to your doctor about all of these and if he/she won't help you control the pain or change your meds, then I'd be finding another RD.  Sometimes your primary doctor can help you with the pain.  Pain is an integral part of this disease and I found the pain from PsA worse than the pain from RA.  Keep us posted.  Lindy