Crohns, Biologics, and RA? | Arthritis Information


Hi. I was diagnosed with Crohns in 2006. I failed Remicade, failed Humira, now I'm on Cimzia. Since I started biologic therapies I have also had what seems to be arthritis. I have been told it is Crohns arthritis but now I am at the point where my gut is working but I wake up in severe pain all over my body every morning, my hands are swollen and achy every day. The pain starts to subside in the afternoon/evening, altho right now I have a sharp pain in my wrist and elbow that won't go away.

Last year I was told I do not have RA.

Last week i was dropping things left and right, I broke a glass, and I of the fingers on my right hand is CROOKED and drifting to the right.

I think I have RA but I don't know what to do bc 2 separate rheumatologists told me it probably wasn't RA. Advice? If I'm on Cimzia wouldn't it prevent what looks like joint damage?

Does anyone else think these biologic drugs might be triggering arthritis?
I am not sure about the meds triggering the arthritis? I would ask the RD again and show them the joints.

Keep a diary of the joint pain. Make a new appointment. People with Auto immune disease can develope other auto immune diseases.
Also auto immune diseases mimick one another from time to time just to keep things more confusing.
Well I am glad your gut is feelling better. That is a big plus. I hope the joints start feelling better.
Let us know what the Doctors and RD's say this time around.
I'm sorry you are having such a hard time. 
I have been told that that the arthritis with Crohns can feel like RA.  When I was in middle school the dr. was convinced I had Crohns with joint involvement.  However, the testing for crohns came up negative.  When I'm in pain, I have gi issues as well.
I guess one positive is that the meds for RA are often used in Crohn's treatments.  Have you had xrays of your joints?
Milly is right-autoimmune diseases do mimic each other.  Did your rheumy or GI doc say why they think you don't have RA?