odds of Enbrel working again? | Arthritis Information


i have RA and Fibro for some years now.I was put on all the reg Rx's at first Pacquenil, Methotrexade, steriods. These didn't work so Enbrel was added. I felt terrific from day one. It lasted three years and then it was like I was never on it. I had to be taken off methotrexade because of all the UTI I had. They tried me on Remicade and was sick for six weeks. We have tried Simponi, Cimzia with no luck. I have been off Enbrel for about a year and a half, so they wondered if it would work again. I'm in my second week and I feel awful. Has anyone gone back on it and had it work? Sorry about all the misspelled RX's.
StetlerI'm wondering the same thing myself. I was on Enbrel for 6 years and it started losing effectiveness so I was switched to Humira. It didn't help at all. I went on Orencia and it was like a miracle for the first few months. Now it isn't working either. Some of the other options scare me and I'm tempted to try Enbrel again. It was still working better than this! 
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