Acid/Alkaline Theory of Disease Is Nonsense | Arthritis Information


Have you seen advertisements for products such as coral calcium or alkaline water that are supposed to neutralize acid in your bloodstream? Taking calcium or drinking alkaline water does not affect blood acidity. Anyone who tells you that certain foods or supplements make your stomach or blood acidic does not understand nutrition.

You should not believe that it matters whether foods are acidic or alkaline, because no foods change the acidity of anything in your body except your urine. Your stomach is so acidic that no food can change its acidity. Citrus fruits, vinegar, and vitamins such as ascorbic acid or folic acid do not change the acidity of your stomach or your bloodstream. An entire bottle of calcium pills or antacids would not change the acidity of your stomach for more than a few minutes.

All foods that leave your stomach are acidic. Then they enter your intestines where secretions from your pancreas neutralize the stomach acids. So no matter what you eat, the food in stomach is acidic and the food in the intestines is alkaline.

Dietary modification cannot change the acidity of any part of your body except your urine. Your bloodstream and organs control acidity in a very narrow range. Anything that changed acidity in your body would make you very sick and could even kill you. Promoters of these products claim that cancer cells cannot live in an alkaline environment and that is true, but neither can any of the other cells in your body.

All chemical reactions in your body are started by chemicals called enzymes. For example, if you convert chemical A to chemical B and release energy, enzymes must start these reactions. All enzymes function in a very narrow range of acidity. (The degree of acidity or alkalinity is expressed as "pH."). If your blood changes its acidity or alkalinity for any reason, it is quickly changed back to the normal pH or these enzymes would not function and the necessary chemical reactions would not proceed in your body.

For example, when you hold your breath, carbon dioxide accumulates in your bloodstream very rapidly and your blood turns acidic, and you will become uncomfortable or even pass out. This forces you to start breathing again immediately, and the pH returns to normal. If your kidneys are damaged and cannot regulate the acidity of your bloodstream, chemical reactions stop, poisons accumulate in your bloodstream, and you can die.

Certain foods can leave end-products called ash that can make your urine acid or alkaline, but urine is the only body fluid that can have its acidity changed by food or supplements. ALKALINE-ASH FOODS include fresh fruit and raw vegetables. ACID-ASH FOODS include ALL ANIMAL PRODUCTS, whole grains, beans and other seeds. These foods can change the acidity of your urine, but that's irrelevant since your urine is contained in your bladder and does not affect the pH of any other part of your body.

When you take in more protein than your body needs, your body cannot store it, so the excess amino acids are converted to organic acids that would acidify your blood. But your blood never becomes acidic because as soon as the proteins are converted to organic acids, calcium leaves your bones to neutralize the acid and prevent any change in pH. Because of this, many scientists think that taking in too much protein may weaken bones to cause osteoporosis.

Cranberries have been shown to help prevent recurrent urinary tract infections, but not because of their acidity. They contain chemicals that prevent bacteria from sticking to urinary tract cells.

Taking calcium supplements or drinking alkaline water will not change the pH of your blood. If you hear someone say that your body is too acidic and you should use their product to make it more alkaline, you would be wise not to believe anything else the person tells you.

Dr. Mirkin, who practices medicine in Kensington, Maryland, is board-certified in four specialties: allergy and immunology; sports medicine; pediatrics; and pediatric immunology. He has served as a teaching fellow at Johns Hopkins Medical School, Assistant Professor at the University of Maryland, and Associate Clinical Professor in Pediatrics at the Georgetown University School of Medicine. He has written 16 books on sportsmedicine, weight control, and low-fat eating. His Web site offers broadcasts and reports on thousands of topics. He also offers a free weekly e-mail newsletter.
ya know, I've given up on even arguing with people who insist on believing that silly crap.  It just ain't worth my time anymore.   Lynn, I was looking for an article this evening but couldn't find one that easily explained the process, thanks for finding this and posting. 
Thanks Lyn You're welcome!  Always happy to share the truth Roland, excellent post.  LindyGlad you found it interesting Roland
Your reply was fabulous! [QUOTE=Lynn49]Glad you found it interesting Roland
good job.. great facts!  Thanks Roland, Lynn..and Snow! 

Thank you!!

Oh yes it was an interesting read.

One of my first encounters with “alternative” health was the “pH balance” idea. A customer approached me at the pharmacy counter and asked for “pH test strips.” I asked him about kidney stones, diabetes – the usual reasons you test your urine. He told me he was healthy, and he was just monitoring his body’s “acid balance” and that he kept his body “alkali” to be healthy.  “You can’t change your body’s pH, sir – if your pH changes, you’ll die,” I explained, in my most reassuring pharmacist voice. “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” he snapped at me, “I adjust my pH all the time.” I handed over the urine testing strips, rang it into the cash register, and wondered, what is this guy talking about? Where did he get the idea he could manipulate his body’s acidity?

The pH balancing concept covers a variety of alternative health ideas, practices and treatments. The idea that our body’s acidity needs monitoring and adjusting is regularly promoted by “alternative” health providers – particularly naturopaths, but supported by pharmacies that sell urine test strips, and supplements like greens+ [PDF]. pH testing and monitoring is held out as a panacea for pretty much everything: “Virtually all degenerative diseases including cancer, heart disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, kidney and gall stones, and tooth decay are associated with excess acidity in the body” says a typical website.

The medical profession, and the medical literature, is quiet on the topic of pH balancing. So let’s consider a few questions. What’s the premise and hypothesis for pH balancing and testing our urine?  Does the amount of acidity in our urine give us meaningful insight into our health? Can dietary changes and and supplements prevent and reverse illness? Are health professionals overlooking a simple, effective tool to improve health, just to support the “industrial-pharmaceutical” complex?  Let’s take a closer look.
99ronbn562011-03-09 20:52:06

The Premise

Advocates of acid-base measurement argue that our diets have dramatic effects on our health, and that by measuring our urine, taking supplements, and changing our diet, we can avoid or eliminate most diseases. They way it’s described, when we eat “acid-forming” products like meats and cheese, our bodies turn “acidic” and illness results. To compensate for this acidity, we leach calcium from our bones. If we continue to maintain a diet high in protein and “acid forming” foods, our bodies will shed calcium and we can end up with osteoporosis, and other chronic diseases.  “Too much acidity in your system can cause everything from blemishes to back pain to diseases like breast cancer,” says the Shoppers Drug Mart magazine, Glow.  The solution to reducing acidity? Drinking alkaline water, cutting back on protein consumption, eating lots of fruits and vegetables, and taking supplements like Greens+ and coral calcium. Advocates call this an “alkaline” diet. And to measure whether we’re doing enough, we should test the acidity of our urine (or saliva) using pH test strips that tell us how much acid is being excreted. If, on balance, our urine isn’t acidic, then we’re doing things right. On an alkaline diet, according to proponents, we can lose weight, stop cancer, absorb vitamins, and have beautiful skin. Sounds incredible.

Let’s take a look at the science  behind the premise:

What is pH and acid balance? The pH scale is a measure of the acidity of a liquid. A pH of 7 is neutral. Anything lower is called acidic, anything higher is basic, or alkaline. The pH is a logarithmic scale – that is, a difference of 1 pH is a 10x difference.

Our blood’s pH is 7.4 – slightly alkaline or basic. Enzymes that facilitate chemical reactions in the cells work only in a narrow range of pH. Any significant change (below about 7 or over 7.7) means almost certain death. A series of buffers and compensation mechanisms keep the pH in our blood from moving far from 7.4. Because the blood circulates throughout the body constantly, it can compensate any changes in pH in any of our organs (e.g., our muscles during intense exercise). Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the most prevalent acid in our body, and is a product of cellular activity. The blood carries CO2 away and eliminates it in the lungs. The lungs actually provide the biggest source of acid elimination in our body.  Our kidneys provide a secondary protection of the pH, eliminating acid in the urine (but much more slowly than the lungs).

Consider the process of eating and digestion. Everything we eat is broken down by stomach acid. The pH in our stomach is about 3 – very acidic, due to production of hydrochloric acid. Everything that is ejected from our stomach, into our intestines, is then immediately neutralized by digestive liquids and enzymes. Everything we eat and digest will end up at the same pH in our intestines. What this means is the initial pH of any thing we eat is completely irrelevant. So let’s dispose of a few myths right away – alkaline water? kangan water? coral calcium? All without scientific merit. Even if you manage to raise the pH of your stomach significantly (say, with antacids), eventually the stomach acids will restore the stomach pH to its regular levels. Nothing you eat or drink will have a significant effect on the pH of food once it reaches your intestine to be absorbed.

BBronbn562011-03-10 08:41:0866ronbn562011-03-09 20:48:36

What does this mean to my urine, and the urine test strips?

Your urine’s pH varies, as it’s a waste facility for the metabolic waste. Excess acidity is eliminated in the kidneys. And this can be manipulated by your diet. Your urine’s pH will reflect a number of metabolic, digestive, and other processes. But measuring the urinary pH to estimate of the blood’s pH  is nonsensical, because your blood pH does not change unless you’re seriously, seriously, ill. There remains no convincing evidence to demonstrate that measuring (and manipulating) your urine’s pH has any correlation with your risk of medical conditions like osteoporosis or cancer, or any of the other medical conditions that advocate claim are the result of “excess acidity.”

What about osteoporosis? Does diet have any effect?

Yes. We know, with good evidence, that calcium and vitamin D intake are strongly correlated with a reduced risk of osteoporosis. That’s why it’s essential to maintain a diet rich in these products. With respect to fruits and vegetables, the evidence is less clear, but there seems to be a positive relationship between consumption and reduced osteoporosis risk. While we cannot conclude that one causes the other (correlation does not equal causation), there is no known downside to a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

With respect to protein, as noted above, the effects are not clear. While it’s  promoted among pH balancing proponents that excessive protein consumption causes osteoporosis, the evidence isn’t clear. There is no reason to significantly reduce protein consumption in the hope of  reducing the risk of osteoporosis. In fact,the evidence suggests the opposite-consuming adequate protein seems to be important.

What about my “Greens” supplement? Doesn’t this help protect my bones and keep me alkaline?

The claim with the Greens “superfood” products like Greens+ Bone Builder:

Greens+ bone builder feeds the body the most alkalizing synergy of bone building nutrients including 3 forms of highly absorbable calcium, magnesium, vitamin D3 and lycopene. Benefits include reduced risk of osteoporosis and increased bone mineral density and promotes bone formation.”

Unfortunately, there’s no published evidence to demonstrate that Greens+ has any of these effects. If it provides a source of calcium and vitamin D, then that could be helpful. But the benefit is unrelated to pH balance or the acidity of your urine.

Interestingly, the Federal Trade Commission recently won a judgment of nearly USD million against a manufacturer of coral calcium and another version of “greens”. The manufacturer of the greens product “Supreme Greens” made claims that the product was an effective treatment for cancer, heart disease, diabetes and arthritis. It also claimed that “Supreme Greens” caused significant weight loss, and could be taken safely by pregnant women, children and persons on medication. The court agreed [pdf] that the advertising for these products was deceptive.

What’s the bottom line with pH balancing and testing?

Urinary pH is highly variable, reflects the net result of your diet and any supplements you take. Following a “pH balanced” diet, and taking pH manipulative supplements has no demonstrated relationship to one’s risk of osteoporosis, cancer, or other serious illness. General dietary advice to consume plenty of fruits and vegetables, sufficient amounts of protein, vitamin D, and lots of calcium-rich foods is sound. Calcium and vitamin D supplements may be useful if you don’t get enough in your diet. But there is no evidence to suggest that your urine’s pH correlates with osteoporosis, or your risk for diseases like cancer. And there’s no need to take any special superfood or greens supplement to help protect or strengthen your bones, or to reduce your risk of cancer.

As summarized succinctly and accurately by Quackwatch,

“If you hear someone say that your body is too acidic and you should use their product to make it more alkaline, you would be wise not to believe anything else the person tells you.”
If its nonsense, then why do MDs test for it in a routine urinalysis.  I cured myself of kidney disease back in my 50s with a change in diet that the doctors said I could do, or die, or be in dialysis the rest of my life.  They were extremely careful about monitoring my PH while having this kidney disease. 
Anyway, best of luck to everyone.  I think PH is important, just like the MDs by testing your urine for it. 

dabren, please read article more carefully.  PH of blood doesn't change but PH of urine does and it's excreted through the kidneys.  Makes the kidneys work harder.  Urine PH is important, blood PH doesn't change so there's no significant disease or monitoring done to look at blood PH levels unless you're seriously ill.   Lindy

What does this mean to my urine, and the urine test strips


Your urine’s pH varies, as it’s a waste facility for the metabolic waste. Excess acidity is eliminated in the kidneys. And this can be manipulated by your diet. Your urine’s pH will reflect a number of metabolic, digestive, and other processes. But measuring the urinary pH to estimate of the blood’s pH  is nonsensical, because your blood pH does not change unless you’re seriously, seriously, ill. There remains no convincing evidence to demonstrate that measuring (and manipulating) your urine’s pH has any correlation with your risk of medical conditions like osteoporosis or cancer, or any of the other medical conditions that advocate claim are the result of “excess acidity.

LinB2011-02-19 17:35:00Hi, Lynn,

I just want to thank you for taking the time to research these issues for us. I want you to know that I am sorry you have become the brunt of such crude remarks. I'm sure you know what I am talking about. I have a friend at work who has really bad OA and says she is going to start drinking hydrogen peroxide...I believe that is what she said. Oh, my! I told her that these "miraculous cures" that are advertised appeal to people who are desperate for relief, and to please research this "treatment". Sigh. Peace to you, my online friend. VVee, I have a relative who drinks hydrogen peroxide because it cured his friend's dog!! Also, he read the myths about it and believed them.  Everytime we see him he starts talking about the wonders of HP.  I've often wondered if it's so wonderful why is he on O2 24/7?  He was just diagnosed with lung CA and is having chemo and radiation.  So much for the wonderful cureall.  I would never say anything to him but oh, I'm so tempted.  He's a sweet man and I guess we all have to believe in something.  LindyI posted that I have been drinking diluted food grade hydrogen peroxide in a couple of other appropriate places on this board, so I don't quite understand why this was added to this subject.  But since I have the opening, the results have been startling and I hope everyone has an open mind.  There are some great websites out there on this subject and oxygenizing the blood is important to MDs and is a test they run for heart disease.  At my age, I can use all the help I can get!
Anyway, best of luck to all of you.  My osteoarthritis is minor compared to what I am reading about your diseases and how terrible it can go. 
Hi, LinB and Dabren,

I am worried about my friend drinking HP because she really needs surgery to relieve the pressure on her spinal cord in her neck. The last doctor she saw about a month ago told her she could be paralyzed if she fell down on the ice. It is really getting bad. She keeps hoping to find a simple solution to a very serious and complicated condition. I am so worried about her. Even the narcotic pain meds she takes don't stop the pain anymore. I'm not saying that some alternative medicines don't help certain conditions. I don't know enough about the subject to say one way or the other, but I am concerned that people with terrible pain will grasp at anything to get relief. They also may put off surgery they need desperately. They are easy prey for Snake Oil salesmen. Thanks for "listening' to me. I am just so, so worried about my friend.

VVee, it's understandable to be worried in a case like that.  I'm a firm believer that if you feel it will help you then do it but also make sure that you don't stop seeking medical treatment and advice because you're so sure that what you read on the internet or heard from your friend is the only way to go. 
dabren, it was added in casual internet conversation and not directed at anyone in particular.  Everyone has the right to treat their diseases as they see fit.  I just like my treatments to be a little more science based than some on the forum.  I'm curious what results have been startling?  I'm curious, because it certainly didn't keep my relative disease free, nor his friend or his friend's wife but it did help the family pet.  I don't mean to poke at you but I would like to know how it's helped and why.  Lindy
Okay, immediately I started feeling energized.  Then my blood pressure started going down a bit as its not hypertensive, but on the high end.  Then my family suddenly said I had my "old face" back on and a twinkle in my eye again.  I don't know about this, but I know some of my anxiety is down, I have a spring in my step, and lastly my digestion is much better.  It happened with the first glass, was very dramatic, but now it has leveled off.  I am not drinking much of it since I don't have a major disease and the recommendations are for alot higher dosages, but its enough for me.
Vee, I wish your friend the best of luck.  I too know people who will grasp at straws for anything.  Drinking hydrogen peroxide for pressure in your spinal cord is a little out there and I can see why you are worried. 
Anyway, I am enjoying myself reading some of the back posts in here.  I don't have alot to add, but will chime in occasionally.  I see this part has most of the action, and wish everybody the best of luck with their health plans, whatever they are. 
Thanks Dabren, I always like to know how our treatments have helped us, that in turn helps others to make decisions.  LindyPlease be careful with anything you put in your body.  I am very open minded to all types of treatment.  And if it brings you relief-I want to hear about it!  But...please be very careful.  I am currently in the hospital(as I have been whining about on my Jaw thread).  My stomach has essentially become paralyzed due to RA inflammation.  So, that's problem number one.  What sent me to the ER was severe dehydration and passing out.  I wasn't able to keep my meds in my system-especially the beta blocker and steriods.  I'm adrenal insufficient so I can't make steriods on my own.  My body will go into shock without them.
Ok...the reason why I'm posting this here.  The ER doc said my body was in a state of Acidosis.  I had been sick enough to actually change the pH of my blood.  I can't even tell you how sick I was.  ER dr said he was shocked that I was even conscious after getting the labs back.  All of a sudden instead of sitting in a curtained off area and by myself with the nurse coming in and out, I was moved to an open area of the ER with a nurse literally sitting next to me the whole time.  It's that serious.  It was not a major change in the pH levels.  Dr. said any change up or down has the potential to be fatal.  I am about to start week two of the hospital stay.
So please be careful.  Your body must stay in a state of homeostasis.  Anything that can change the pH and nutrient levels of your body is MAJOR stuff. 
Becky, thanks for this post.  I didn't realize that you had reached this stage.  Please know that we're all thinking of you and even though you're body is being contrary you are still youthful and strong.  LindyRebecca - I have read (just the last parts sorry to say) about your ongoing health problems.  You are in my prayers.  I am reading about this controversy in here about acid/akaline being important or not.  What I am reading in your post that its suddenly a huge emergency, your acidosis level, which came from being dehydrated? 
I am trying to figure this out because there are two sides in here arguing and I am getting the impression you are saying that you can change your ph with eating?  I have to test strip my urine regularly because of a previous serious kidney disease that I overcame with diet and supplements and my ph was affected by my eating according to the doctors - I was eating sugar and drinking sodas and they said I had to stop and change my diet because of acidosis.  And luckily it worked.  I am just puzzled about your first sentence - about being careful what you put in your body.  I thought what you put in your body doesn't affect your ph according to the posts in here, which I know is not true from personal experience, severe illness, and hospitalization decades ago. 
Anyway, I am just careful with my ph for my own reasons.  Do they know why you went acidic?  And good luck. 
I was not able to keep anything down, at all.  My stomach lining is inflammed due to the JRA.  This caused many nutrients to be missing from my body.  Potassium was expected to be low, but they were shocked to find how off my chloride was.  So, in my case, it was not what was put in, it was what was coming out that was the problem.
It is possible to have your unrine pH to be off.  This is what can happen with diabetics when their bodies start to produce ketones(they test their urine to see if this is the case).  I've also reached this stage(acidosis) when my lungs were involved with flares.  My breathing would be way off and too much CO2 would build in my system. Once again-immeadiate hospitalization.  They tested for the CO2 vs O2 by taking a blood gas lab.
As far as eating/taking something to cause acidosis, it would not be the direct cause.  It would be how you can react to that item.  Your blood pH takes a MAJOR event to change.  Our bodies were created with so many safety measures.   But-if what you put in your body causes a major change-then the pH can be off.  Ex-using hydrogen peroxide wouldn't cause a change in blood pH(but probably urine).  But if you OD on hydrogen peroxide and have major vomiting(or the other end eewww), you could then throw your body so out of whack that a serious medical situation could arise.  Same with supplements.  Most are safe when taken correctly(and with a drs knowledge). But, take too many, and your body could again react violently to get rid of them.
The reason why I posted my med. problem here was to illustrate what actually happens when blood pH changes.  It's a true medical emergency and not easy to create.  At least, this was what the ER dr. said.  I had to take the year off due to the TMJ replacement surgery, but I normally teach biology.  I find all this stuff fascinating and ran my mouth to both the ER dr and the nurse. 
Dabren-I would think that when testing your urine, the drs would be able to catch a problem before you would be symptomatic.  If you reached a state of acidosis, I would assume it would be becuase your kidneys weren't able to filter out the toxins in your system.  So, the function of your kidneys would be the cause.  In my case, it was the function(or lack of....) my stomach that was culprit. 
I don't know if any of this makes sense.  Truthfully, I just had a huge dose of meds and feeling rather "happy" at this point :) 
Dabren-I too, am curious to see how the hydorgen peroxide works.  There have been posts in the past about people using hydrogen peroxide and epsom salts in the bath to help with symptoms. 
I'm not trying to offend anybody with this post.  Just trying to show how serious some of these terms can be.
Thank you Rebecca, throwing off your ph from excessive vomiting makes alot of sense.  My prayers are with you and I am grateful for your honesty in posting your experience.
This hydrogen peroxide has really got my attention.  I read about it for the first time about 6 months ago and it took 5 months to get up the courage to do it!  I bought the food grade 35% which came haz mat.  It came with a dark bottle as it needs to stay away from light.  I put on safety goggles, a mask, and wore gloves when pouring from the big bottle to a little dropper bottle.  You are then suppose to use 3 drops in 8 oz of distilled water three times  day.
It is a tricky thing to do as you have to wait a good hour after eating because it supposedly can affect food in your stomach and make you get nauseous, so I have been very careful to take it on an empty stomach.
I cannot explain it, and I have done alot of vitamins, herbs, supplements and alternate healing like chiropractic and homeopathic in my long life, but this stuff worked with the first glass.  I am getting up there in years and been slowly slowing down, especially with Arthur. 
I started feeling energized after about an hour after the first glass, amazing.  I have settled at 5 drops 3 times a day, even though the instructions say up to 25 drops 3 times a day for people with extremely serious diseases.  I am just old and tired and this osteoarthritis is slowing me down.
But as this month has progressed, my energy is still good and my fuzzy brain cleared out and I am thinking better.  I know alot of this is from old age, so this is why I am amazed, plus how fast it worked.
But my family is what convinced me.  Within a week they were telling me I was standing taller, walking faster, that my face had gone back to normal (whatever that means), and I had my twinkle back in my eye.  And last night I ripped off one of my quick one-liners which I haven't done in years. 
So I don't know what to think.  I just have never had anything work so fast is why I am so puzzled.  I think it has put more oxygen back into my blood stream and my brain and lungs are working better, so its helping my whole body.  That's just my theory. 
I don't know about epsom salts, but thanks, I will look into this too.
Hope this helps and you are in my prayers.  "Dabby"
