Gout Is an Indicator of Sleep Apnea -- a Fraud? | Arthritis Information


Gout Is an Indicator of Sleep Apnea -- fact, fiction, or fraud ?

Tracked down the mother of all claims that ''Gout Is an Indicator of Sleep Apnea"  and "sleep apnea is a causal factor for gout" to a medical journal called  "Sleep".  In a Letter To The Editor,  titled  "Gout Is an Indicator of Sleep Apnea" [0],  the author of the Letter claims: "MEDICAL LITERATURE SHOWS THAT SLEEP APNEA IS A CAUSAL FACTOR FOR GOUT [1],[2]. " -- citing references [1] and [2] as the medical sources that support the claim.

However, the two references not only do not provide support to the  claim, but also do not contain the word "gout" in them!  It is beyond one's imagination  that the two medical references containing no word "gout" can be stretched out so much to mean: "Gout Is an Indicator of Sleep Apnea"  and "SLEEP APNEA IS A CAUSAL FACTOR FOR GOUT".  And , inexplicably, the medical journal Sleep published it.

Once these claims had the toe-holds in the Sleep journal, they began to spread, mainly by the same author,  to other medical journals, Wikipedia,  and internet postings as if the claims are proven and are true.  This misled some gouties to be concerned, worried, and even spent time and money to seek the expensive diagnosis and the cure for their non-existing sleep apnea. 

There is no pathological nor epidemiological evidence that shows sleep apnea alone causes gout  and the cure of sleep apnea is the cure for gout. 

The Sleep journal provides a great disservice to the public, especially to the gouties, by publishing such a misleading and fraudulent medical claims in the Letter.  Hope the Sleep journal will investigate the merit and the integrity of the Letter and rectify the situation if it is warranted.

What are your opinions?  Thanks.

References [0] Abrams B. "Gout is an indicator of sleep apnea".Sleep. 2005 Feb 1;28(2):275.
[1] Grum CM. "Cells in crisis. Cellular bioenergetics and inadequate oxygenation in the intensive care unit,"  Chest. 1992 Aug;102(2):329-30. (Editorial, free)
[2] Hasday JD, Grum CM. " Nocturnal increase of urinary uric acid:creatinine ratio. A biochemical correlate of sleep-associated hypoxemia," Am Rev Respir Dis. 1987 Mar;135(3):534-8. (Abstract, free)

noapnea2011-02-12 13:32:20 -
Another hoax in "Gout is an indicator of sleep apnea".

In the above-mentioned Letter to the Editor of the Sleep journal, the author of the Letter also states that "...NO PHYSICIAN WHO KNOWS OF THIS RELATIONSHIP ... the hypoxia resulting from sleep apnea causes .. increase of ... uric acid. The excess of uric acid can lead to the precipitation ... of ... urate crystals into a joint, which causes gout..." [0].

These statements in the Letter misrepresent reference [3], which the Letter cites as a supporting source because:

1) Reference [3] does not state or imply that SA increases the serum uric acid (UA) level, which can lead to gout. In the contrary, the data in [3] show that the serum UA level of SA patients is in the normal range and is lower than that of the non-SA control!

2) Reference [3] does not state or imply SA causes gout.

The following is an abridged table constructed from Table 1 and 3 of reference [3].

Variables.............................. .................Control(n=10).......................SA Patients (n=20)..................
........................................ ........................(No.SA)...... ..........Before CPAP*..............After CPAP
Serum uric acid, mg/dL.....................................7 .2..........................6.6......... ...............6.8
Urinary uric acid excretion, mg/dL GFR.................0.32.................. ......0.55.......................0.30
Arterial blood pH.................................... ........7.41..........................7.41
* CPAP = continuous positive airway pressure, which is used to normalize SA patients' breathing.

The data mean:

A1) SA patients' serum UA level (6.6 mg/dL) is in the normal range (< 7.0 mg/dL). Also, SA patients have lower serum UA level (6.6 mg/dL) than the non-SA control (7.2 mg/dL). Therefore, SA patients have smaller chance to develop gout than the non-SA control.

A2) The serum UA level increases from 6.6 to 6.8 mg/dL in SA patients when CPAP is used to normalize their breathing during the sleep. In other words, the use of CPAP to treat SA increases the chance of developing gout.

B1) SA patients excrete more UA in the urine than the control, which is good for gout because the higher the UA excretion the lower the serum UA level. (That is how uricosuric agents such as Probenecid work.)

B2) The use of APAP decreases the urinary excretion of UA in SA patients. This is bad for gout because, in this case, the serum UA level is increased.

C) The control and the SA patients have the same arterial blood pH (7.41).

In short, reference [3] indicates SA patients have normal serum UA level therefore, theoretically, they should not develop gout. Also, the SA patients' serum UA level is lower than that of the non-SA control, therefore, SA patients are less likely than non-SA people to develop gout.

It is inconceivable that the author of the Letter to the Sleep journal reverses, by 180 degrees, what the data in reference [3] indicate, to claim: "... SLEEP APNEA IS A CAUSAL FACTOR FOR GOUT ... NO PHYSICIAN WHO KNOWS OF THIS RELATIONSHIP..."! And, the Sleep journal published the Letter!

References: -

[0] Gout is an indicator of sleep apnea. Abrams B., Sleep. 2005 Feb 1;28(2):275.
[3] Changes in urinary uric acid excretion in obstructive sleep apnea before and after therapy with nasal continuous positive airway pressure. Sahebjani H., Chest. 1998 Jun;113(6):1604-8. (Article, free)
noapnea2011-03-12 15:51:46
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