Anyone try a different type of doctor for RA? | Arthritis Information


I'm wondering if anyone has tried to see an Immunologist, Dietitian/Nutritionist, Accupuncturist, or any other type of doctor for their RA and what your results were? 

I'm sure we all have done research trying to figure out the root cause of RA...there are articles stating online that it has to do with an infection  that has never been cleared up properly, or using antibiotics a long time ago caused our gut to be off balance causing our immune system to go wacky, others say they have had food allergies that caused their RA, once they eliminated certain foods they were better. Some mention to get tested for food allergies or try an elimination diet (yeah right, easier said than done)
Yep, I'm diggin here...LOL   Just wondered if anyone has had any luck with anything other than their meds.
