Just a couple of questions | Arthritis Information


Hello everybody. I hope you are all well.

My name is Tom and I am a design student from London. For my major
design project I am trying to develop a new bottle opener that will make
opening bottles easier for people suffering from different forms of

So far I have two solutions for the problem, each are very different. In
order to decide which is the best idea to carry forward I need to conduct a
market research study, to find out which if the openers will suit the
market better. Hopefully by doing this the final design will be suitable for

The idea of the bottle opener is; that the new design will be desirable by
all customers and will therefore be more widely available. Meaning that it
should be purchasable from most large stores rather than just specialist
websites and chemists.

Below is a questionnaire that will help me with this research. If you could
find the time to complete as much of them questionnaire as possible it
would be greatly appreciated.

Any questions you do not understand or do not want to answer; please
leave blank.

The details from this questionnaire will only be used to compile lists of
data, no personal details obtained from this questionnaire will be made

Please could you complete the questionnaires either on the forum, or if
you prefer the completed questionnaires can be emailed to me at

1) Age:
2) Sex:
3) How often do use a bottle opener: Every day / once a week / once a
month / rarely.
4) When using a bottle opener which type of bottle do you open most
often: Standard beer size / large Ale size / extra large (Newcastle Brown)
size / small stubby bottle size / other.
5) Do you suffer from any disability or illness that affects your arms or
hands? If yes, please give details.
6) Do you suffer from any visual impairment? If yes, please give details.

[Edit: questions removed]

The following questions relate to the main operations and functions of
the bottle opener. Please answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

28) Remove bottle top is more important than Preventing damage to
29) Remove bottle top is more important than Comfort of use?
30) Remove bottle top is more important than Ease of use?
31) Remove bottle top is more important than Ease of transporting the
32) Preventing damage to the bottle is more important than Comfort of
33) Preventing damage to the bottle is more important than Ease of use?
34) Preventing damage to the bottle is more important than Ease of
transporting the opener?
35) Comfort of use is more important than Ease of use?
36) Comfort of use is more important than Ease of transporting the
37) Ease of use is more important than Ease of transporting the opener?

38) What price would you see as acceptable for a bottle opener?

• Any further comments:

Thankyou for your time and cooperation with this, you will have helped
me out no-ends.
if there is anything that i can do to help anyone else
on this forum, please let me know.

Kindest regards to all of you,

Tom Potts
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