New to MTX | Arthritis Information


I have just started MTX at 15mg/week.  I have read the posts on this forum several times, but this question just came to mind...duh!  Is MTX really going to get rid of the pain?  I ask this because I read posts from some of you clearly experiencing pain and yet, from your signature lines, I see that you are taking MTX as well as other RXs.  So, does it work to reduce the pain or not?  Please let me know what you think, and what I might expect.

Mtx is a mainline drug to treat RA.  It used to be a med that was introduced later into treatment.  Now it is often started at diagnosis.  This is great.  I started it as a teenager.  It will slow down the disease progression.  For many many people, MTX is the answer.  You need to remember,  a message board is not a good sample of RA patients.  You will find the newly diagnosed and those that are having a hard time.  Both these groups need support.  Those that are responding well to treatments are often not on message boards. 
MTX can take a bit of time to get into your system and do its job.  Many drs say 3-6 months.  If you are in pain, please ask your dr. to give you something to help you out.  You deserve to feel as good as possible.
Please don't be discouraged when you read the medicine lists that some of us have.  I know mine is pretty long.  I''m on this board cause I was diagnosed at a young age and I'm very frustrated by my disease process.  I have had lots of strange complications which has sent me to a top university hospital..  But, remember, I'm not the norm. 
I hope you feel better soon.  Please call your dr. if you are having a hard time.  Keep asking us questions.  This board has its ups and downs, but the majority of the people here are great and a wealth of knowledge.
I was on MTX for over 20 years, recently switched to Arava, it's also a DMARD. I thought it worked well for me, raised two girls, never had any flares, but had to be careful when someone came home sick. The damage I have was very slow in developing (yes I ignored it) and it causes me alot of pain now. MTX takes awhile to get in and out of your system, usually took a month for me to notice a difference. Your dr probably took baseline xrays and bloodwork which will show how well it's working to control your RA? I started on biologics after a terrible first flare 6 years ago, if I had started sooner I probably wouldn't have as much damage as I have now. My drs. feel the RA is controlled by the medicene I'm on now, based on my bloodwork, but the damaged joints will never go away. Hope you have a great dr. who can help you through all of this. Being just dxd in 2011, is a much better situation than 24 years ago after the birth of my first child. I wish you all the best.