RA and sex with your spouse/partner.... | Arthritis Information


Okay so I have a question.... if you got or were diagnosed with RA after being with your spouse/significant other (as in, you didn't come into the relationship with it already)... how has it changed your sex life or romantic life? (for those of your willing to share of course)

The reason I ask is that my husband and I are, or were, in a "p/o/r/n free" relationship because religious wise, we chose to stay away from it for addiction reasons and how in some (not all) cases, it can destroy families - plus we have a 3 year old and she shouldn't be around it. Anyways I have recently found he is back into p/o/r/n (he was in it when single before we were married 6 years ago) and although its not him cheating on me, and its not the end of the world, it marks a SIGNIFICANT change in our personal relationship and makes me a bit sad to be honest. Mainly because he has been doing all of it behind my back and wasn't honest with me and I found out after the fact and then had to do the whole wife confrontation thing. We still have yet to "discuss" it because our daughter is here with us and awake so I don't know the extent to which this all goes. But of course its not just p/o/r/n... there is always more than just WATCHING p/o/r/n....

So I come and ask this question... what adjustments have you and your significant/other had to make in the bedroom/romantic area wise to work around your RA or what sacrifices or changes have you had to make?

To be honest, RA has made me less in the mood and if I am going through a flare, I have to list the body parts that can't be moved or touched (ex: left wrist, shoulder, fingers etc.) because they aren't functional or if they are touched or moved, what desire was there is *poof* gone. My husband was very accommodating at first but after years with RA things definitely change... it just does... not that I wish that they had but they do. Even though I am still "young" my priorities in life and desires and likes and dislikes (in general, not just sex wise) have changed since RA. I don't want "it" nearly as much as I used to. Not even half as much. I guess in a lot of ways to me its not worth the pain/hassle as horrible as that is to say but when its completely or nearly completely uncomfortable that's what happens. I will also say that they have not in the last 2-3 years been able to get me in remission with my RA so I have had more flares than not.  Alone that part of RA sucks but part of the reason for the flaring is the infections I get and get really sick on, then have to stop biologics and the restart them again in the vicious cycle.

Like I said, it could be worse, but in our personal relationship this is kind of a big deal... especially with the not being honest part.

It just sucks
edited to fix censorship so you all knew what I was talking about!
abbyrhoades2011-03-05 22:14:40Interesting - you've had 30 views of your post and no reply yet.

IMO it's time to talk to each other.  Find a babysitter so you can each have the undivided attention of the other person.  Relationships can be healed, or it can be time to end them.  It's time for lots of communication. 
It sounds like you are experiencing a loss of trust, dishonesty, etc.   Sure sounds like it is time to clear the air and be honest with each other.  
Marriage takes a lot of compromising - having one partner with a disability will definitely require changes for both of you.  Hope open conversation will help you make some decisions about your future.   


I am sorry you're having this issue...
honesty is a huge issue....  as aside from the act of ** ..  and I hope that you can find the time to get together and talk this through.. 
so sorry abby... 
If you want to talk about the desire for sex... yes, it is lessened with discomfort and pain..  just another reason to work toward a better quality of life through our meds..  I hope you find something that works for you..  truly... and you can find some remission or at least much less pain.
I had ra prior to marriage, but I did see how it changed our relationship.  At first, it didn't seem like a big deal.  But as time went on, it became a bigger issue.  
Pain makes everything hard.  Evenings can be totally planned out, but then the RA can change plans in a heartbeat.
Sorry that you are going through this...
I just read this. I'm not sure what **free means but probably what ever it is, I probably wouldn't agree with it in my relationship. Not that that should matter. Free*** country.
Yeah, I'd have a hard time working through that breach of trust. Gosh Abby, this disease is bad enough but then add some sorry *** **** like that, wow. I feel for you. Our relationships are so very important to good health, even to those without our disease. Wish I had something good to say to make you feel better. Maybe slap his face, at least?
Abby, there is more than one way to pleasure each other. Ask your Doc about this. I have heard pregnant women discuss this because of loss of libido,pain, etc.and they have come up with a solution that their Doc's mentioned. Please don't ask me what it is! lol
Men are animals!!!! Jello,
Hello, I can hear you.
[QUOTE=jello]Abby, there is more than one way to pleasure each other. Ask your Doc about this. I have heard pregnant women discuss this because of loss of libido,pain, etc.and they have come up with a solution that their Doc's mentioned. Please don't ask me what it is! lol
Men are animals!!!! [/QUOTE]
Yeah good thing no Woman has ever cheated. Women can be slime as well 
Your story can be true of a lot of married women WITHOUT RA. I have had discussions with girlfriends and we have come to the conclusion that most married women need to feel love in order to want sex and that men need a sexual relationship with their wives before they can express love. I know there are a lot of exceptions here but this was our general consensus within our group.

I have always gone with the rule that you need to have sex at LEAST every 2 weeks no matter how bad you feel. Marriage needs intimacy and a sexual relationship can get that started.

As for the **, I am guessing this is referring to **? One of my perfectly healthy friends has a husband that gets into that and it TOTALLY affects their marriage. He'd rather masturbate to ** on his computer than sleep with his wife. So your husband needs to address that.

Hopefully you can get your RA under control enough to start enjoying sex again.Abby,
I beg your pardon. I read too much into what you claimed your husband was doing. I think now that you are talking about watching **? Well, altho maybe not wanted in your relationship, certainly there could be worse things. Men have desires. I am in no way condoning **. I too believe that it can very well be destructive to marriages and relationships and can lead to things contrary to marriage.
One thing that is so good for my relation ship is "sweet talk". I will ask her, "Are you sweet talking me?' and she will say, "I sure am." And I will say, "I love when you sweet talk me." And believe me, I mean it. The more I tell her I love for her to "sweet talk" me, the more she "sweet talks" me. I love her "sweet talk" and it just turns me on. And she loves it when I "sweet talk her." I love to see her blush when I'm "sweet talking" her. When she is telling me a story about work, and some facial expression makes me smile, I'll interupt her and say, "I just adore you." Or "you are so cute." Or, "I'm so lucky I have you." So anyway, my recipe for marrital happiness including personal relations, "sweet talk". And boy is it contagious. And it keeps the happiness and the thought even when we are apart. How nice it is to find a note that says "I will miss you and think of you all day". "Sweet talk". And when she gets home she starts right in on the "sweet talk". The more she "sweet talks" me, the more I "sweet talk" her and the more we "sweet talk", the more we want to be, shall we say, "closer"? And Abby, concerning "closer", where there is a will, there is a way. Good loving to you.

I had no idea you were so romantic. I like!

After reading all these post I'm still confused on what the ** means. I feel Sex is an important part of a marriage.  If you would have asked me that about 3 years ago. I would have said sex isn't everything.  For men it is.  They are physcial Creatures. "No offense".. We women are emotional creatures.  I found out the hard way if you love them and as the man said before sweet talk and yes feed there ego they will respond.  I love my hubby but we were at a breaking point within our marriage and with counseling and communication we are more  intuned with each other.  I am blessed to have an understand husband who knows when I hurt and don't feel very well and like one other post there are other ways to please..

RA 14 years
Dx 1996
Meds Orencia, prednisone, Vitamin C, D Iron
Wow... sorry I didn't realized it censored me!!!! lol... the ** was p/o/r/n.. apparently that word is blacklisted and I can see why for spamming purposes. I fixed it best I could in the main post.
abbyrhoades2011-03-05 22:16:57Hessalina,
I like it too. Sweet talk is very addictive. I call her my drug. I sometimes have withdrawals when she's gone.
No update? I am still thinking about you and hope that it all works out good. Love is a terrible thing to waste.

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