So many questions..... | Arthritis Information


This starts my second week for writting on the boards and now I have even more questions! I woke up on Saturday flarring like atomic bomb, I couldnt even sleep! So I did what doctors tell you NOT to do and started on an old prescription of prednisone I was given for an allergic reaction last summer...I know,I know...but today I feel fantastic. My mom freaked out and said that Pred, can cause horiffic weight gain. anyway, I feel good and am going to see my Gen. Phys. this week to see if he can help me in anyway, my RA appt. isnt until next month... did I make a mistake by taking the pred.? I was desperate for relief...(Im whining now) I have enough to take for 5 days(@ 10 mg) with a 3 day taper.  Sooooo, did I make a wrong decision?



I've taken predisone in very short courses for a long time now. I've never taken it for long periods like you hear of so many doing.

It's been great as a "pick-me-up" during bad times that I truely welcome. Try increasing your DMARD treatment during this time so when your done with your predisone you'll be back up tp speed without it.

Good Luck....and Happy 2 week anniversay.My understanding is that short term use is okay in short doses, but it may leave you just as miserable when you have to come off it if you don't have a backup medication to help you through.  Good luck. I've been on low dose prednisone for a year and a half. My understanding is you can't go off it suddenly without some danger. You don't want to use up the prednisone and then go cold turkey.  Could you call your doctor and explain what you did.  Maybe he'll prescribe some more to tide you over til your next appointment.

I've done the same thing in the past... just be sure to do a SLOW tapper and like the others commented to bump up your DMARD also.  It will be a bit of a let down once you come off again unless it's just a fluke or flare and maybe it won't be so bad then.

Hang in there... and remember we all have questions !!!!  I still do after 4 years.   It's an always changing disease. 

If I am having a bad flare, my RD usually has me
take a small dose of prednisone over several days
and then taper off. He told me that even though I am
being treated with remicaid and mtx, that sometimes
I will need to do that, so I always keep some on

p.s. welcome

Yeah, I prob. would have done the same thing too. You know alot of meds are perscribed on an 'as needed' basis so I dont see the difference. The big think that docs freak out on is people who dont finish their antibiotics and then try to save them for later. It defeats the purpose. But anyways, I would still call the doc and just let them know whats up, he may want to call in some more if yours are expired or somthing like that.

Hope you start feeling better