Why am I so Tired PLEASE HELP!! | Arthritis Information


Why am I so tired.  I have an idea but it is getting to be draining.  I have low Iron which makes me Anemic, Inflammation I guess can make you tired.  I woke up this morning around 3:03am to use the RR and could go directly back to sleep man I can't keep my eyes  open while typing this not.  I also was diagnosed with narcolepsy not sleep apnea but I believe I'm getting there quick.  Anyone know how to get your  IRON stores up without being constipated. .  I really need to get a handle on my iron. I can't go on like this.

RA 14 years
Dx. 1996
Meds, Orenica, Arava, Prednisone, Vitamin C, D, Iron
This probably won't be of much help. aparently it takes some time for iron supplements to make a big difference. Everyone knows that having a auto-immune disease as we have causes severe fatigue. It was explained to me that anytime our immune systems go into overdrive sending out anti-bodies and inflammation kooties, it's a drain on our body to make all of those things that are being produced by our immune system, kinda like a country at war can be drained, so is our body at war and sending out the army draining our body. Hope that makes some sense. Anyway, here is some information for what it is worth.

Iron Supplements Without Constipation


Several types of iron supplements treat anemia and other forms of iron deficiency. Some supplements cause constipation. If the iron supplement you take causes constipation, talk to your doctor about switching to a non-constipating form. In addition to taking a gentler form of iron, you can increase the amount of fiber in your diet, drink more water and get more exercise to help alleviate and prevent constipation.


If you are anemic, or have low levels of iron in your blood, you may not be able to get enough iron from diet alone. If that's the case, your doctor will likely prescribe or recommend iron supplements. Iron supplements treat iron deficiency due to absorption problems or excessive bleeding and provide extra iron for people with a greater need, such as pregnant women. In all of these cases, the therapeutic dose, or amount of iron necessary to treat a deficiency, can cause constipation.

The types of iron supplements that are best absorbed by your body and most effective at treating iron deficiency also tend to be the most constipating for some people. For instance, ferrous sulfate is a well-absorbed form of iron that causes constipation in some people, while ferrous gluconate is not as well absorbed but is less likely to cause gastrointestinal side effects such as constipation and upset stomach.


To minimize constipation from iron supplements, the National Institutes of Health's Office of Dietary Supplements recommends starting with half the recommended dose and working your way up to a full dose over time. They also recommend dividing your daily dose and taking it at different times of the day, with food. Speak to your doctor about these strategies. Your doctor may also recommend a stool softener. Although time-released and enteric-coated iron supplements are less likely to cause constipation and are available without a prescription, they may not be as well absorbed by your body and therefore will not be as effective at treating iron deficiency.


It can take up to several months of supplementation to get your blood and storage levels of iron up to normal. If you take take your iron supplement with a meal to help prevent constipation, your body will absorb up to 66 percent less iron than if you took your supplement between meals, according to the National Anemia Action Council. As a result, you may have to take supplements for a longer period of time to get the same results.

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/339508-iron-supplements-without-constipation/#ixzz1FvudjcwS
levlarry2011-03-07 09:57:27Have you been tested for anemia? I had Anemia from Chronic Disease, ACD. The RA had been getting worse and worse over a year and when I went into a terrible 3 month flare, was dx'd with the ACD, because even though I had enough iron in my system, the inflamation from the RA was keeping it from being absorbed. Blood work told the dr. that. Once the flare was over, the ACD went away. I'm still tired, but it's because I don't sleep very well. While I had the ACD I couldn't even walk up the stairs. Hope you can find a solution.Yes, I have been diagnosed with Anemia.  My RA is hard to control according to my RA doc.  But she trys her best to keep me up with my meds and take care of me.  I am getting ready to start Arava in conjuntion with Orenica.  Just worried about the side effects. last time i was on Arava my hair started thinning and I was so depressed.  Sleep ahh.  I know it's not good.  I would like to invest in one of those Temperpdic beds that is recommended by the Arthritis Foundation but its just to costly.  Thanks for the information.
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