Can spicy food cause arthritis flare up? | Arthritis Information


Hi day (hopefully soon) I'll know more about my PsA, so I won't have to come here "everytime" I have a question, but for the time being...thanks to all that take the time to read my posts and that reply

Does anyone know if spicy food can cause flare ups? I try to watch what I eat, especially because I'm Diabetic, and don't usually eat anything spicy; however I had something "mildly" spicy yest. and today my fingers, toes are worse than they have ever been! Can it just be a coincidence?
This is the information on foods that can cause inflammation. I'm not sure of this article but am posting this part of it because it mentions the group of foods that are known to cause inflamation in ra patients. And feel free to come here any time as much as you want. We have the power. We are knowledge. Anyway, spicey may have been the culprit. But then many hear have stress as a pain booster. I used to really flare after eating potatoe or unsaturated fat.
Do you have either rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis? It may be caused or aggravated by an allergic sensitivity to the nightshade (Solanaceae) group of foods. These
 foods include the tomato, potato, eggplant,tobacco, all types of sweet or strong peppers, excluding ground black pepper, Tabasco sauce, cayenne, paprika and petunias.

These foods contain some of the same alkaloids found in deadly nightshades such as Jimsonweed and deadly black nightshade. In their article "An Apparent Relation of Nightshades (Solanaceae) to Arthritis" in the Journal of Neurological and Orthopedic Medical Surgery, 1993, N.F. Childers, Ph.D. and M.S. Margolis, M.D. discuss the findings of a 20 year survey of over 1,400 volunteers showing the direct relationship with the consumption of the nightshade group of foods with arthritic patients with sensitivity to these substances.
Not all people are sensitive to the nightshade group but those that are find quick and profound relief for their arthritis when they strictly adhere to a nightshade free regimen.

levlarry2011-03-09 07:00:39Hi Lev,
Thanks for this information. I actually have Psoriatic Arthritis; but have been known to be allergic to some foods in the past, therefore I wouldn't be surprised if some foods triggered my PA flare ups as well. I will look into this more (and this article is a great start)'d think my Drs would of mentioned this, but I guess we are our own health advocates, right?
Take care,
Like everything else concerning RA, some people have dietary issues and others don't.
I've never had a problem with nightshades or with red meat.  Those two things seem to cause the most problems for people.
I follow a Mediterranean diet plan because it's heart healthy and because I like to eat that way
I think you will just have to try eliminating foods that you think might be causing you problems.   Just another way that RA isn't a one size fits all disease..
Good luck and I hope you start to feel better soon!
Hi Lynn,
Thanks again for taking the time to respond. You're right-I'll just have to learn what works and what doesn't...I had never looked into the "Mediterranean diet" until you mentioned it...It sounds great! I'll def. look into it more...
Take care,
