Methotrexate and side effects | Arthritis Information


I finally started my Methotrexate treatment last night, (injection) and wanted to know, if others have felt the following side effects, and if long have they lasted? (I know everyone reacts differently to meds, but I would just like to get an idea...thanks!)

I've been feeling a bit nauseous, (which is interesting, considering that's why my Dr. and I chose the injection), a bit sick to my stomach, mild headache and "very" tired...
I truly hope these symptoms get better, because between this and my joints hurting so badly, I am not a happy camper  sorry you're feeling bad - it will improve though .It does take awhile for the body to adjust to MTX, everyone is different though! Took me about six weeks or so, but I'm on Oral.  Yes, I was very tired and upset tummy to begin with, but I soon learned to pace myself.  I also found that if I had a really good sized meal before taking my Meth, it certainly helped with the upset tummy. Once the Methotrexate kicked in, I was able to begin to reduce my Prednisone so that was great! 
I'm certain you will get some more replies from others on the injectable!  Just hang in there and keep us up with how it's going!  We'll cheer you on!! 
I get the nausea maybe 1 out of 4 times I take MTX. Hi Sjen, I take the MTX injections and find that the next two days I may as well hibernate as I literally cannot stay awake, then by the third day, it is giving me terrible skin sores, I usually notice a difference in my RA by now though, and then the RA stiffness, pain and immobility  returns the day before the next dose, soon I am adding Actemra into the mix, and hopefully together I will be able to reduce the steroids.  All the best, it usually takes me 6 to 8 weeks to kick in so maybe give yours a little longer, for me, I look at it this way, this MTX drug is quite toxic and if its not doing the job at the dose I am on then either increase the dose with Drs say so or change something, I feel it is too dangerous a drug to just keep taking with no apparent improvements in bloods at least.  Good luck. Are you taking folic acid? 
When in your day, do you take the MTX?
Also.. be sure you are hydrated...
Dehydration can add to a MTX headache... I take my MTX one hour before bed.. and sleep through the worst symptoms...
Good luck.. I hope it brings you some relief.
Thanks to all of you who posted regarding my concerns!)
Hopefully, I'll start to feel better...because as you all know...joint pain, fatigue, etc. from the Arthritis is enough already...
Take care,
I take MTX Tabs on Saturday night.

Folic is taken Mon thru thursday at 5mg a dose.
When all this started (4 years ago)I was 5mg a week.

I have found that taking the extra has helped with the fatigue.
I've been on MTX for 4 years.  I take 3 pills Wednesday morning and 3 pills Wednesday night for a total of 15.0 mg.  I also take 5 mg of Folic Acid every day.  My MTX side effects are usually a mouth sore or two on Thursday that is gone by Friday, and lots of fatigue especially on Thursday and Friday.  Still have toe and hip pain and difficulty walking any distance without taking a short break.  Unbelievable that your doctor forgot to give you a prescription for Folic Acid.  You should get over the nausea and fatigue once you've been on MXT for awhile.  Everyone reacts differently to MXT.  I don't have any side effects except for a little fatigue.  Like others have said, take MXT in the evening and you'll sleep through the worst of the side effects.  Just thing positive about it attacking those little gremiin PsA cells.  LindyI take mtx every Thursday evening after my tea. Someone here once said protein would help with the sickness and I find it does. I feel tired on the Friday so don't do anything too taxing at work.. Bit foggy. I too take folic acid every day, at my gps behest, apart from the mtx day, this has helped I feel with the frequent bladder infections I used to get. I also take it because the 15mgs of mtx keeps my White blood cells/neutrophils etc way too low if I don't. Your body will get used to the medication, you will find through trial and error what suits your system and doesn't. That actually goes for a lot of things to do with RA.Stop  spamming Haylee.  It's a waste of our time and yours!