new here | Arthritis Information


Hi everyone,

Good to be here among others who have this horrible disease.  Hope I can give you some help  and  in return, get some from you.
Thanks for being here for meHi and welcome to the forum.  Tell us a little about yourself.  LindyMy name is Diane and I live in Ohio. I have had RA since 1999 (at least that is when they finally admitted it) and have it worse in my hands.  I also have Osteo and that doesn't  help.
My first doctor was absolutely awful so i found on at the Cleveland Clinic and am soooo lucky to have her for my doctor.  She actually listens, how about that!!
I have had my left index finger fused, bones taken out of my wrist on that hand.  Also tried to have a new knuckle inserted in my middle finger but too much scare tissue so it has fused as well.  I had it done twice and the surgeon couldn't believe how it did that twice.
So,needless to say,I can't have new knuckles.  The right hand has had surgery too.  My right index finger has a screw in the top knuckle to fuse it.  Can you believe that!! A screw that we could buy from the hardware store! Some of the bones have been removed from that wrist too.  Now------my nails are coming off clear down to the start.  They grow back in but the doctor said I have also started with Psoratic Arthritis too. 
I have retired and trying to enjoy life as well as it can be. I try to keep busy and have good days and bad.  I started Remicade about 8 months ago and am still trying to get the dose and the weeks inbetween right.  I was on Metotrexate, Humira and many other drugs but they didn't help very long so we shall see about this one.  So far, no side effects.  Oh yeh, I even had a wart on my head and had a doctor put a needle in my head to confirm it.  My poor husband was there and was amazed that it didn't bother me.  Why would it-----just another needle!
I have two children and my daughter shows some of the same signs I did before I was diagnosed.  I never tested positive from a blood test and that is why no one believed me until it was too late.  I told her that if she hurt like I did, go to my doctor in Cleveland and make someone listen.  Sure hope she doesn't come down with any type of arthritis.
There is more but I will save that for later.  Hope I didn't bore any of you.  Just glad to be able to share my thoughts and feelings with all of you.  Thanks so much
Hi Diane and welcome. Another RA negative here... so pleased my GP sent me to Rheumatologist when my RA Factor Test showed negative!!  No one will will get bored with you here - never fear - this is a fantastic forum - keep sharing, and ignore the aliens - this is an unmoderated board!!  But just go for it! No one is going to think you're boring  - that would make us all boring LOL!
There are so many positive people on here ready to offer their words of wisdom, or even just to say - "I know where you're coming from Diane - because I've been there". 
Oh yes, and you can help me, I need to go to the supermarket and pick up a few bits and pieces, but I really can't be bothered, even though it's just 5 minutes away!  If I send you a list, can you pick up some stuff for me and drop it off?? I'm only 8630.7 miles away from Cleveland, and after an 18 hr flight to Wellington NZ, you will only need a short 1 hr drive to
 get here in time for a lovely coffee (which, by the way is on my shopping list!!  Thanks, you're a doll!! Hi Diane,
I am also from Ohio, but unlike you I had a fast onset of RA and it was diagnosed quickly.  I have been on meds for almost a year, and most days I am ok.  My RD is in Concord OH and she is a very good.  Does not push what is not needed and keeps up with looking over tests to make sure nothing is going awry.  This place is wonderful.  I do not post often, but have read lots and the people here are a blessing! 
Keep on keeping on..........blessings.
Hi everyone,
  Thanksfor welcoming me and hope that I can help you and in return, you can help me.
'Today is a bad day for my hands so I will be short.  I decided to paint my fingernails last  night and found I have 7 and `1/2 good nails!  The 1/2 one is my thumb as my nail is only  starting to grow again.  Hmmm, I think my nailpolish will last a long time at this rate! I just go with the flow as not to get too upset.  Sometimes I just laugh and of course, my  husband says he gets worried about me when I do that but that is the only way I know of handling things so that I don't cry.
I was in an accident on Friday and will tell you about it later.  Wasn't my fault as I was sitting still!!
Have a good day and again, thanks for welcoming me.
Jeannie, get the list ready and make sure coffee or  tea is on it!!
You've come to a good place... there are many caring knowledgable people on this board...
I congratulate you on the challenge of painting your nails.. I can do nothing but clear because I make it look like a five year old did it!! 
I recently had an accident whereby the person in front of me at a stop sign backed into me to avoid someone else who had run their opposing stop sign... talk about bad luck.. being in the wrong place at the wrong time!! 
I think laughter IS good medicine.. here's to giggles!  Good luck.
Welcome to the board.
I have Sjorgren's and dry eyes, I scratched myself in the eye yesterday trying to get a hard rock of gunk out of the corner of my eye. So for my own protection I decided to cut my fingernails. Well I really had alot of trouble just trying to do that.
I just do not remember it being so hard to trim my nails. I kept dropping the nail clipper or could not get it to close properly. It would just fly a few feet everytime I tried to snip.
I get the dropsies sometimes. I dropped the phone and cup of apple juice. So if I tried to paint my nails the room would probably be poka dots.

Hi Millie,

  I think polka dots would be wonderful and make us happy!  I really do have trouble as I have some fingers that are fused and just plain get in the way!!  I use to have wonderful nails and always got them done. Now,they are coming off clear down to where they start growing  and then I have them trying to grow again.  What a horrible mess they are!
 Keep smiling and trying to laugh, I think it is good medicine. I go for my 2 1/2 hour infusing pretty soon and can't wait.  Isn't that  something---hoping to get a needle in your arm for 2 1/2 hours.  What a laugh!!
Hi Diane, and welcome I'm so sorry to hear about your hands. I have a lot of trouble with mine but not to your extent and I feel for you. It definitely helps to have a sense of humor with this disease but there are days when we're hard pressed to find something to laugh about!
I'm always putting polish on my nails while wondering if I really want to call attention to my hands, but I have to do something to try and make them pretty. It's a losing battle, but I keep trying anyway!
Hello Gwen,
  My wonderful and I do  mean wonderful, doctor once told me that on days when I really  hurt bad, that it is okay to be down and cry.  If no one understands, then so be it.  So, I have always had that in the back of my mind and on those days, I do feel sorry for myself and then I  get up and start  all over again feeling blessed that it isn't worse.
I recently went to such a sad furneral for a boy about 54 that I have known all of my life.  He had RA and was taking Enbrel (can't say for sure if it started things but I do have my suspicions) then he had Parkinson's start as his grandfather had it and even though it never surfaced, it finally did.  Well, that wasn't the end of the story so sad to say.
  He started smelling burned rubbed and no one else smelled it until he went to Cleveland for his therapy on the parkinson's disease.  When he told them, they immediately put him in the hosital and found a brain tumor.  He had chemo and radiation and it just kept  growing.  He started with this tumor about about 5 months ago and died last week.  He left a grandaughter only about 8 months old and a wonderful accounting business and a family.  What a sad  day and that day I did allow myself my tears.  We ask way and even though we aren't supposed to, we still do and that is only human.  This young man had
everything going for him. 
The family lost another son about 6 years ago. He shot himself due to cluster headaches that he got no relief from.  Now they only have a daughter left.
So you see, we are  allowded to take the time to pity ourselves and if someone says we aren't, then just forget them.  Someday it may happen to them and  we all hope that it doesn't.  This disease is horrible.
Gwen, hope that helps.  Yes,  my hands are horrible and  it takes forever to type this but I just keep on going.  In fact, I bought a new sewing machine.  Isn't that a hoot!!!  It will take me forever to sew a straight stitch but it keeps me occupied.  I also take care of my 95 year old mom who is in better shape than me!!!
God Bless and have a good dayKKthanks for the welcome and hope that maybe I can help someone as people have helped  me.
I have decided not to spend time reading or replying to the rants of some people.  I have better things to do.