New here and feeling down | Arthritis Information


Thanks for taking the time to read my sob story. I'm feeling a bit down. I'm 33 years old and have had RA for five years now. I'm one of those pt that has all the symptoms of RA but my factor is neg. Three weeks ago I finally had one of my baker's cysts removed because it kept rupturing. I'm a mom with two kids 3 and 5 and I just can't sit on my butt all day waiting for the fluid to go away or absorb after rupturing. Anyway, three weeks after surgery the cyst is back and even bigger. 1. I'm pissed that I went through surgery for nothing 2. 00 bill to pay for a surgery that didn't help.. not to mention a lovely scar. 3. I'm having to go back on Methotrexate so any yearning for having another baby has been nixed. I feel alone on this but it's nice to read other stories on dealing with RA. If you pray please send up a little one for me as I deal with these life changes. And if you don't positive thoughts would be nice too. Thanks for reading.My prayers are with you, It took about ayear before doctors could say it was RA for sure. So many things mimic RA . Hang in there it's not a short process.prayers sent.Dear Rhea,

Im SO sorry, you are feeling down..."please" know you are not alone! (Feel free to read my post from yest: "emotional meltdown...") I have recently been diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis and I'm also new to this forum; but you will soon see how "amazing" people here are, and how supportive they can be. I am sorry to hear about your surgery!
I've always been a firm believer of the expression "This too shall pass..." however there are days, when I think the person who said that, must not of been having a "really" bad day
I'm sending TONS of good wishes and hugs your way!!!!
Thank you for your kind words!Sorry you are having such a rough time.  I wasn't diagnosed until age 57 - I can't imagine having to raise little children while having RA.  My poor mom got RA at age 36, a year after I was born.  I can remember her saying how difficult it was for her to change my diapers - she would have loved the new disposable baby diapers.  She lived with RA for over 40 years...and always had a smile on her face for everyone.  Oh to have her strength!
Hope you have better days ahead.  I know it's easier said than done, but try and focus on the good things in your life, especially when you are having a really bad day. 
Welcome to the Forum Rhea!  Sorry of course that you need to be here, but pleased you found us!  There are a number of us here, (including myself) who are RA Negative!  Makes no difference - the pain and the treatment is just the same!
This is a place where you can say it just as it is, and many before you have been in your situation , and some are still there!  But one great thing will shine through -  all will understand and support you through this tricky and difficult disease.
loads of positives to come your way..
baker's cysts are tenacious little buggers.. I've had one behind my knee and on my left wrist that keeps on returning whenever it feels like it.. at present neither bother me.. but I have them drained and not removed when they irritate..  because I heard what you learned .... surgery often doesn't help.
Best to you... and welcome
Welcome to the boards.  Hate the reason for you to be here, but glad you felt comfotable enough to join and post.
RA is such a roller coaster.  I understand the yearning to have more kids.  For many people, the RA goes into remission while pregnant.  Would it be possible to hold off the the mtx while you try to get pregnant?  Of course, that is something for you and and your husband to discuss.  I was diagnosed as a teen, so I went off the mtx when I wanted to have a child.  Word of caution, I did not go into remission while pregnant, but I had a far from normal pregnancy.  Most women I talk to  felt almost like their old selves when pregnant.
Whatever you choose to do, I hope you feel better soon.  I know how hard it is to have little ones when you have RA.  But it is worth it in the end.
I used to have a bakers cyst behind my knee. It drove me crazy. The doc did not want to remove it because it was in the back of my knee and near ateries.
So then a mass started growing in the front of my leg just below the knee. Well it turned out to be a huge ganglion cyst. The ganglion cyst got so big it busted the bakers cyst. Well I thought that could be a good thing. It was.
The problem was that the ganglion cyst was a problem child of it's own. I had surgery had it removed. It came back. Well at least when it came back it was not under the tendon anymore so a little bit less painful at first.
I would go to the ortho once a week or maybe it was everyother week do not remeber to get it drained. It just kept getting bigger and bigger. Then it sort of hardened up to where it could not be drained anymore.
Back to surgery. Arghh! They had to cut deeper into the tendon to get rid of it. So my leg is a bit lumpy with a hole where the ganglion cyst used to be. Also lumpy scar tissue where part of my tendon was cut out.
So I do understand that bakers cyst and ganglion cyst can be very problematic. Actually shortly after the second surgery the ganglion cyst grew back. I kneeled down to pick something up off the floor and it burst. It just had a thinner sack to it and busted easily and I have not had it return for six years now.
I had the bakers cyst in the back of my knee for two years or more and it never would have went anywhere if I had not have gotten that awful ganglion cyst.
Part of what started all of the problems was a torn ligament in my knee.
Hi Rhea, I'm sorry things are so bad for you right now. Those Baker cysts can be so painful. Mine usually don't bother me but occasionally they act up and... oh boy. I can't imagine how hard it must be to have RA when you have little ones to take care of. You are in my prayers. As you can see, there are so many supportive people here that you never have to feel alone. There will always be someone to listen.
Take care.
