LifeJoint | Arthritis Information


My Father has been living with chronic joint pain for at least 5 years now.  He's not much for going to the doctor's office unless he is deathly ill.  I did as much research as I could on my own to see what would help elevate some of his pain.  I found LifeJoint.  He's been taking this natural supplement with Eggshell Membrane (NEM) for over a year and it has greatly improved his life.  It breaks my heart to know there are many upon many who suffer from chronic joint pain such as arthritis.  Just wanted to share what has worked for my Father as I hope it will do the same for you, if you decide to try it.  I wish you well! Shelby A.2011-03-21 12:30:56I was doing a search and came across your posting using Google.  I've been living with  rheumatoid arthritis for years.  I also suffered with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis as a child.  I discovered LifeJoint a few years ago and it has changed my life!  I am can now actually enjoy being physically active.  I have chosen LifeJoint to help manage my aches and pain.  I strongly recommend anyone who suffers from arthritis, young and old, to give LifeJoint a chance to help you live a better life, pain-free.
