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I just had testing done today to find out if I have either RA or Lupus.  I've been having joint pain in my knees, fingers and toes for awhile now. The areas have been red and warm to touch.  I went to a different doctor one night for elbow pain and I mentioned I had arthritis in my knees.  He said he felt what he thought might be a rheumatoid nodule in my elbow and told me to see my regular doctor to get checked.  I put it off because the pain and the nodule went away.  Since then the joint pain has been worse and nothing I take OTC is helping.  He prescribed me Relafen for now to see if it helps.  I'm hoping I don't have to wait long to find out the results. 

  Hi Chrislyn & welcome!  Sorry you have to be here - but pleased that you have found us.  Great support on here, all of us have travelled your pathway. Just be aware the RA Factor doesn't always show up in blood tests, but that's doesn't necessarily mean that you don't have RA.  A diagnosis of RA is made up of other things too. Your symptoms, inflammation, pain levels, possible existing joint damage etc etc.  Many of us on here, including myself, do in fact have RA, but without the RA Factor in our blood. 
It is known as Sero-Negative RA - the symptoms are the same, the pain is the same, and importantly, the treatment takes the same sorting out to suit the individual person.  It can sometimes be a matter of trial and error to find which regime suits for you, and OTC is certainly not going to help. 
A rheumatologist is also very well versed in current treatments of wherever you fit in our spectrum of Arthritic and other of that group of conditions!  Including Lupus! Regular blood tests are also part of the deal, not necessarily for RA Factor, although mine usually does that one as well, I've now been Sero Negative for about 6 or seven years.  They test for inflammation rates, and other monitoring things that are all a bit complex for me to understand!  I just roll  for my couple of bottles of blood to be taken every six weeks!! LOL
I would strongly advise that you ask your Dr to refer you to a good Rheumatologist. I'm sure you will find that others on here will agree with me on that!  While some OTC stuff may or may not provide temporary relief for some things,  it certainly won't prevent damage to your joints, and that is what we all aim for!  We really do need a rheumatologist to work it all through with, who will also provide a pain control regime, RA or whatever!! And yes, it is a regime, many things to consider when treatment plans are made for you, and as I said,
maybe a bit of trial & error until you find the one that fits for you!  We've all been there!
Hope you find this helpful, I'm sure others will join with my observations. Wish you all the best, keep posting, let us know how you are doing! Really supportive group on here - a great bunch of people!
Kiwilass22011-03-22 23:14:22Welcome to the board!
I understand the stress of not knowing what is wrong with you. It can cause alot of anxiety waiting and wondering.I think you should get some results back pretty quickly. It just depends. Sometimes things do not show up on blood test when you have auto immune disease. Sometimes on the other hand they do.
I hope your blood work gives the doctor some clues to help him diagnose you. A good rhuematologist would be able to diagnose you in time regardless. When a person is sick and in pain and anxious the sooner the better.
I hope your test come back soon. I hope it is not to serious but mostly what ever the out come I hope you get some answers and relief.
We are here for you if you have questions or need to vent to someone that understands what you are experiencing.
Let us know how your test come out.
Thanks for the welcomes   I called today and got most of my results.  Xrays showed arthritis in my left hand but my right was fine.  My rheumatoid factor was negative but my sed rate was elevated.  He hasn't gotten back my ANA results yet to see if it's Lupus.  He's referring me to an rheumatologist.  I really nervous about going. I'm going to make my husband go with me because my memory sucks LOLHang in there...   We all know how this feels.. and in time.. your questions will be answered.
Wait for the doctor's analysis of the results.. and good luck
 Great that you are going to see a Rheumatologist!  Don't be nervous - just truthful about how it is for you! And always a good idea to take a partner or friend, there's so much going on during those visits and almost impossible to take in all in on your own, especially at first and if you're feeling lousy!.  Two heads are always better than one.
Keep a diary to take along as well, whats happening for you, pain levels, locations etc -  and write down any questions that might pop into your head - ( there's no such thing as a silly question either - any one of your observations or questions may well be the one the Rh latches onto).
Good luck with it all

Called and got the results of my ANA and it was negative but he said that with how elevated my sed rate was and my xrays he said something is going on.  My appt with the rheumatologist is tomorrow.  I have to be there 45 mins early to fill out paperwork.  Is there that much paperwork?!

My mom's sister had her first appt today with a rheumatologist and found out she has RA.  I teased her that if they do diagnose me with RA then I know who I got it from.  Hi again. Might help you to make a note of any medications you are currently taking - prescribed or OTC (dosages etc) or have taken in the past, and jot down a brief history. This might help to jog your mind when you get there and fill in the forms.  And tell them that your Mum's sister has RA, and anyone else you are genetically connected to.
I can't tell you what the forms are like in your country, but here it only took about 15 mins or so.  Usually kind of tick the boxes things, with room for a pain measurement scale, and also for remarks.  Your GP will have already send details as well.
Good Luck with your visit!  Well that appt was a waste.  He is treating me for carpel tunnel even though I've had no problems with my wrists and the only tingly feeling I've had on my hand was one time when I slept on it wrong.  He didn't even discuss RA or Lupus with me.  My mom has CTS and even she said my symptoms didn't match up to it at all.  He wants me to go to OT to see if it  aleviates the pain any.  I'm wondering if I should get a second opinion from someone else.  Not that I want something like RA but if I have it and I'm not treated for it because they overlook it I wont be happy.  I don't even think he looked at my blood tests which I know he had because I brought a copy of them there.  I don't know...Go for the second opinion Chris, Oh.....................and  welcome Chrislyn78, what did the doc say about the pain in your knees and toes?  Did he address that at all?  I agree with Bodak.  Go for a second opinion.  No he didn't address either one at all.  My knees and my fingers are on the same pain level most of the days.  My aunt really likes her new rheumatologist so I'm going to see if I can get a second opinion from her.I think that's a great idea.  I just hate it when a doctor focuses on one symptom and completely ignores the rest.  Best of luck![QUOTE=kweenb]I think that's a great idea.  I just hate it when a doctor focuses on one symptom and completely ignores the rest.  Best of luck![/QUOTE]
Thats what doctors do. They treat symptoms and prescribe drugs for that symptom and ignore the body as a whole. Why would you expect anything any different from people that have been trained to push dangerous drugs.
Went to the new rheumatologist and she thinks I have a few things going on.  She thinks I have fibromyalgia (not surprising since it runs in my family), RA and sleep apnea.  She had me get more blood work and a urinalysis done.  I went to the hospital today to get a copy of my bloodwork.  The Rheum factor was neg but now the ANA was positive.  CRP  and Sed rate were high and I have protein in my urine.  My next appt isn't  for about 3 weeks so I don't know if she will wait till then to tell me what she thinks of my results or if she will call before.  She is definitely a better doctor than the last one.  She listened to me and actually did a thorough exam unlike the first one. 
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