Managing Pain | Arthritis Information


Some advice please; if you have the time and inclination. NJMarie,    really sad that you are feeling so bad sand in such pain!!  Rant away!!  Seems as though you have very good cause to!! I don't think you are getting the level of care that you should be able to expect from a Rheumatologist, and that you have a right to!  My advice to you??  Simple really! Get a new one!!  You should not be in this position at all!

I have a very good Rheumatologist myself, but I know there are others that have not been happy with theirs - who have taken the step of changing - have made the move, and things are much more positive with their new Rh.  - one who listens to them, and who will try new things!! 
Keep your chin up, hang in there - take courage just take that step!
Feel better soon!NJ Marie I agree with kiwilass, you need a new rheumatologist. I've been very lucky and have a good doctor who listens to me. You need an advocate, especially when you're in pain and she most definitely isn't one. I feel very badly for you and hope you have the option of finding a new doctor. Vent all you need to. Please let us know how you are doing.
GwenOh my goodness Marie, run don't walk run from this RD. You need to get in with someone who cares about you and your well being. I was once where you are now with the pain factor-it seemed no one believed me. They don't want to give pn meds because they are afraid of addiction, well is it not like my pain is going anywhere. I don't care about addition because as of right now there is no cure for this awful disease that has invaded our bodies. The pain racks havac on our lives and sometimes with no relief in sight. I wish I was like some that could OTC's to control mine but I'm not. Pred just makes me a mess: can't sleep, over eat, my heart goes nut and so on.
I really hope you find a doctor that will listen to you and your needs. I hope this comes fast and quick-good luck...
Hi, I would definitely opt for a new RD and then ask if you can see a pain specialist. I went through the public hosp system first with a pain management course and then to their clinics, they were hopeless, then my GP found a private one and he has been just brilliant.  Best of luck form Janie. I would find a new RD.  Have you talked with your GP about pain medication?  My RD prefers that my GP treat my pain, and she (the RD) will treat my RA.
Good luck
Thanks everyone!
I have indeed talked to my GP about it; but at the time she was still just a resident and couldn't write narcotics. (and her supervisor was old as Moses and doesn't believe in painkillers) She is now a full fledged doctor; so we'll see what she can do for me at my next visit in April.
Marie.. I am so sorry you are in so much pain...  but I would stop trying to get your RD to manage it and see a Pain Specialist.  Many RDs are negligent and afraid to medicate to the level that is necessary sometimes...
I hope you find someone to ease your discomfort...
I wish RA meds would work for you... 
[QUOTE=babs10] Marie.. I am so sorry you are in so much pain...  but I would stop trying to get your RD to manage it and see a Pain Specialist.  Many RDs are negligent and afraid to medicate to the level that is necessary sometimes...


Yeah lard asses like you need plenty of medication to make up for all the damage you do to your fat body. Abuse the body then take some drugs to cover the pain, thats the way it is with idiots like you. Now they even have pain specialists to handle all the lard assed losers that do what you do, snow owl ho.Marie I can tell you how to handle it but all I get here is spit in the face so I have no mercy or sympathy for any of you any more.[QUOTE=ronbn56]Marie I can tell you how to handle it but all I get here is spit in the face so I have no mercy or sympathy for any of you any more.[/QUOTE]
I don't recall asking for mercy or sympathy; so I guess it's a good thing you have none for me. You should probably save your breath for something worthy; like your blow up doll.
