Ah the aches of Spring!!??!!! | Arthritis Information


Well I started working out with the rake today, and it wasn't even my yard!!!!

Hope you feel better tomorrow Meme. I miss talking to you!!

Just when you're feeling like doing something that means you are moving and can do it, you play the price when you sit down. Your joints forget that the rest period is over and now they have to work. That first step is like your body is saying, oh no you don't, get back on that chair.
Sometimes life can be a bitch.
Meme, hope that Mr. Bengay makes you feel better.

Marisayep---the mode of spring cleaning and the beautiful weather tends to motivate me to do work (like cleaning out the garage and the back porch like I did on Sunday)but I pay the price for it later!Hope you feel better meme.  My garden is a complete wreck. Everything needs pruning, the grass needs cutting. The weeds are thriving.I'm just like you. When I can' t stand it any more I'll go out and over do it and pay the price the next day.Maybe we need to set a timer and only allow ourselves 10 minutes at a time.Luckily, it has rained in Monterey continuously for the last 5 weeks so I have an excuse.I can't go little by little I got 6 perenial beds of flowers and we have just taken off the cones to about 200 rose bushes so it is YARDWORK TIME!!!!!  The roses aren't hard they just need to be trimmed at times we try not to use any pesticides.  Once I get the beds in shape they will be fine except for occasional weeding.  In May will come the pots, benches, and hanging baskets that will need to be done right now I am looking at new stakes, and little figurines I want to put in the yard.  Oh and I can't forget the windchimes to drive my neighbor's son crazy with!!!  I have always loved to garden and I always will just a little slower now.  Take care everyone xoxoxoxo  memeI had a friend come and trim some branches on my fruit trees.  I have a lot more to do.  When I get a bigger paycheck, I am going to get a yardservice so do my front and back at least once this summer to get it started for me.

I love gardening and hope to get some flowers out front soon.
And worth every minute of it, eh Meme? My first daffodils bloomed today. It's really spring. 

I bought potatoes, raspberries, strawberries and a peach tree to plant in the backyard. 

I am not sure if I can plant them because my hands are not feeling up to the task.  Unfortunately my husband will need to help me out.

Fortunatly I can get my son to do my gardening for me when I get around to buying some new flowers. It is getting to be that time of year again isn't it. Oh well maybe next weekend I'll get some new plants and set my son to work.
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