Orencia | Arthritis Information


Please help I had three infusions and I am so sick I Have  upset stamoch and feeling light headed and very tired and my vision is bad. Are these side affects? I don't know I know my C-REACTIVE Protein is high 3.8 does orencia cause that? The doctors says no but I don't belive them cause sense I started these infusions this is happening to me I even get pain in my chest. If any infro. you can give that anyone here. Thank you JoanI was on Orencia for about a year and a half. It did work for me, but I had to gradually increase the dose to 1000 mg every two weeks, instead of once a month. After a while at that dosage, it finally stopped working at all. But during the year and a half I was on it, I had absolutely no side effects. My CRP initially went down from the high 20's to the 3's. Orencia, if it's working, should cause your CRP to go down, along with the inflammation. I would definitely report these side effects to your RD, especially the chest pain. You might need to try another drug... I have been on Orencia for over two years and have never had a reaction from the infusions.  Be sure to let your doctor know what you are experiencing.  This may not be the medicine for you.  There are lots of choices out there and you need to find the one that agrees with you.  Take care and good luck!


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