Hi. | Arthritis Information


I've not visited for a while.  Seems as though not much has changed, huh?  I researched old posts for the last 6 months because I was curious what was going on but looks like the person I was curious about deleted the text in his messages.  After two pages of searching, I gave up.  Doesn't say much when you can't stand by what you've said.

Anyway, wanted to say "hi" to the older members.  Hope all is well.

It's nice to see you posting again.  How are you doing?

Ignore the crap and don't be a stranger
Can Lynn sell you some pills today?Not feeling too well lately.  My Simponi autoinjector is in quarantine and I haven't been able to get it filled the last couple of months.  When the pharmacist told me I couldn't get them and suggested I talk to my rheumy about the prefilled syringes, I cringed. I didn't think I'd be able to stick myself.  But now that I'm in a flare, I'm feeling a bit more brave.
Ronbn56,  I havent been posting much lately, but I see you are still a jerk.[QUOTE=gutch]Ronbn56,  I havent been posting much lately, but I see you are still a jerk.[/QUOTE]
and i see you are still a closed minded lunatic that enjoys pain. have a nice day asshole. must be a west coast thing.
ronbn562011-03-30 08:08:59Gutch,
ronbn56 is still sick. He's just a little bit sicker. His disease is progressing nicely. As you can see, it is eating him up. Oh, and it's not the acid.

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