The diet... | Arthritis Information


So how is every one doing...I am doing okay...not great but okay. I had a little slip tonight. I got pissed off and ate 2 pop tarts. Some people have a drink, some have a smoke....I have food. I need something to replace that behavior.

I hope you guys are doing well. I need some motivation...I am feeling the slump. Well tomorrow is a new day. I am not going to let this week pass with out losing some weight!!!!

Although I will admit to having some chocolate on Sunday and just letting it melt in my mouth on the one side that doesn't hurt

It's gonna be tough this weekend with all the food and chocolate for EasterI can tell my stomach is staying shrunk and I can't eat the portions I used to.  I was good with my vegetables yesterday. 

I still haven't weighed myself but I will soon!
Good to hear you all are finding some success. I dont think I will get to my 5 lb. mark by sat. this is the "bad" week for me if you know what I mean. Bloating and cravings=bad news on the scale. I will get there and then some by the next Sat though. Even if I have to suck the fat out with the vacume cleaner. That would be great if it worked huh? Lipo in the comfort of your own home!It is a constant battle.  I know that we can do it.  We have to make our habits habit!  When the results come, the motivation gets bigger.  Hang in there! I am a big proponent of weight watchers, but I am thinking about trying to switch to some kind of all natural diet. I want to cut out as much processed stuff as possible. I want to see if it will help my energy level. I am going to go to the book store next week and look at a few things that have been recommended to me. My chiropractor, insurance agent, and a lady that I met in the grocery store have all talked about food as part of therapy. I guess I am a believer in the power of threes, so I will check it out. I am willing to try just about any thing as long as it is healthy.   Hey Crunchy, I do alot of my own cooking and most of it is low in calories, fat, etc. I have to watch the salt and fat. I find that you can make a nice stir fry with lots of different vegs and lean meat. I put a salt free spice blend in to give it a little more taste. Then I steam up a little rice and enjoy.
   I even have a cake that I make that's low in fat and tastes good.
   I switch to the whole grain pasta as it's better for you. Add your favorite sauce and you have a nice dish.
   I stay away from mayo, butter, whipped cream, regular ice cream, cheese, any thing with alot of fat.
   I don't think I've lost anymore weight as I'm not doing my walking. My knee is giving out from under me.
   Found a Applebee's resturant and tried their weight watcher's menu. It was good. Plus for some reason, roomie and I got free drinks there. I think that the waitress liked the way my roomie looked.
   I'm raising my glass of water and wishing good luck for all on your diets.
