O/T - To lighten up a bit! | Arthritis Information


 According to Google, it's Robert Bunsen's 200th birthday today!! Well, 31st March here down under, so for you it's tomorrow! Made me think of something straight away!

Let's have some fun stories about your experiences in Science Class with Bunsen Burners and the like!!  I'm sure I'm not the only one with a tale to tell!
Here's mine - I lost my eyebrows (and nearly also my place in the school - and again afterwards at home) ) when I was trying to light a cigarette with a Bunsen burner in the Science Room at lunch time!  I was doing a detention clean-up of the lab along with a classmate and the teacher had left a pkt of cigarettes on her demonstration platform.  We had earlier been having a lesson about why burning things go out when there is no air supply!
That is so funny!!
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