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You can only name one...What is your all time absolute favorite movie?

Mine is without a doubt, National Lampoon's Vacation. The original, with the trip to Wally World and the dead Aunt strapped to the roof of the car. I have seen it a million times and it still makes me laugh. name 3 movies that you can never pass up when you are flipping channels and you come accross them.

Mine are Pretty Woman, Dirty Dancing, and Coal Miners Daughter.

All time favorite - Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid. Huge Redford & Newman fan, love the screenplay, and the cinematography.

Hm. The other 3. Groundhog Day. The Matrix (but only the first one). Cassablanca.

My all time favorite movie is Meet Joe Black, for kind of an unusual reason.  For those of you who have seen it, it deals with a close relationship between a father and his daughter, and his time to die and cross over.  Completely by coincidence I watched the movie on the one year anniversary of my dad's death, and as I was crying and watching the movie, I felt him squeeze my hand.  It was an AMAZING experience and that movie will always be "our movie", and a spiritual connection to my dad.

My others are Best in Show, Mule Skinner Blues, and Devil's Advocate.


I love "What About Bob?". My family hates it.

I also like:

-The Homecoming (Waltons)

-Peanuts movies

-Pure Luck

My all time favorite movie is definitely "The Notebook"

3 movies I would never pass up 1.Stepmom 2. Dark Victory(1939 Bette Davis movie) 3.Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Kel, Stepmom is a great movie...I had Ferris Bueller on tape when I was in Jr. High. One summer I watched it so much that I lost count after the 27th viewing. That and Girls just want to have Fun were my faves back then.

Three movies I could not pass up are:

1) Forrest Gump

2) Return of the Jedi

3) Braveheart

Crunchy...yeah, Stepmom always makes me cry though, so sometimes I just can't finish watching it.

Dar..Forrest Gump and Braveheart are way up there for me as well.

Many I can never pass up.  Forrest Gump, Whatever happened to Baby Jane with Bette Davis, Butch Cassidy, this is not fair.  I am going to come back after coffee - mind fog. Benny & Joon, Roxy. I love ANYTHING with Johnny Depp (okay, there were a couple of clunkers, but not many). And Gump - Run, Forrest, Run! - and Braveheart. It's a good thing we don't have to pick just one or two.     My all time favorite is Sleepless in Seattle. I'm a big Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks fan.
   The three that I can't pass up, do I have to list only three, are:

   While you were sleeping
   The mirror has two faces

   Funny Girl

I love movies and I have several bookcases filled with VHS video and now DVD's.


I also love Johnny Depp.  :)

I really loved Magnolia.  It is one of my favorite all time movies.  Shawshank Redemption.

I also love Charlie Kaufman movies.  Adaption, Eternal Sunshine and Being John Malkovich.

I love to watch the seasons of Curb Your Enthusiasm on DVD from HBO.  I have seen all four seasons and am waiting for season 5.

It is so hard just to name a few, esp when you see what others are picking and then you remember more.

White Oleander, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, Ya ya sisterhood. So many good ones.

I also forgot Sixteen Candles and the Breakfast Club.

That being said I love "A Fish Called Wanda."  It never fails to make me laugh.



This really dates me, African Queen with Katherine Hepburn and Humphry Bogart.Nah - it's a classic. Anything with Bogart or Hepburn is gold.

I enjoy movies very well and there are so many I like both classic and new here is a few;

The Lion In Winter

Ann of a thousands days


the original The Fog


Agnes of God, I cried like an idiot at the end of the movie, because of her firm belief in God

Now of shows on tv Dennis Leary's Rescue Me I just die everytime I watch it

And I am a BIG BIG Sci fi fan too

memeMeme, I LOVE sci fi too.  I really love Farscape and SG1 and Atlantis.  :)

I am surprised more folks haven't mentioned Shawshank Redemption.  The BEST ever for me.  Watch it ever time it comes on.



I enjoy movies very well and there are so many I like both classic and new here is a few;

The Lion In Winter

Ann of a thousands days


the original The Fog


Agnes of God, I cried like an idiot at the end of the movie, because of her firm belief in God

Now of shows on tv Dennis Leary's Rescue Me I just die everytime I watch it

And I am a BIG BIG Sci fi fan too



I loved Anne of a Thousand Days as a kid.  We had three big old theaters in the downtown area.  I would go once a week.

GEnevieve Bujold and Richard Burton captivated me.  I read so many stories about anne Boleyn after seeing the movie.

I also love Rescue Me.  I can't wait for it to return.




Arizonara, the same here I get such a kick out of Farscape and Serenity was a good one too.  meme