Principals of Energy Conservation | Arthritis Information


Principals of Energy Conservation

"The Four P's"




q  Pace yourself :  Activity - Rest - Activity - Rest  etc


q  Work at a steady pace - don't rush.  Allow time for interruptions


q  Take a short rest as soon as you fell tired or aching


q  Don't try and do all the heavy tasks in one morning - spread them out.




q  Set tasks in priority for each day

q  Remember the urgent may not be the "necessary"




q  To set priorities and pace yourself you need to plan:- daily, weekly, etc


q  Plan your rest periods - write them into your schedule


q  Plan "light" activities to follow "heavier" activities


q  Plan day according to how you feel





q  Poor posture will increase fatigue.  Good posture will conserve energy


q  Too many reaching and stretching tasks done at any one time will cause fatigue


q  Position tools, equipment, materials within easy reach


q  Consider how you sit/stand when working.  Where possible sit to work





1.   Respect pain.  Stop when you have to.


2.   Maintain muscle strength/joint range of movement through exercise.


3.   Reduce effort, plan and organise work loads.


4.   Maintain good posture.


5.   Use stronger larger joints to spread the load over larger surface area.


6.   Avoid staying in one position for too long.


7.   Aim for a work/rest balance.


8.   Use of assistive equipment/splinting.




        NB   Remember  that most enjoyable physical recreational activities   

                whether indoors or outdoors - are work!!  Same principles

                of energy conservation apply whether you are at employment,

                at home, shopping or just simply doing "your own thing".


                When you have any form of Arthritis, EVERYTHING YOU DO

                IS WORK!!
Edited to add above link
Kiwilass22011-03-31 14:31:45