Initial Symptoms of RA? | Arthritis Information


I was wondering if I have the beginning symptoms of RA.  I am planning on making a Dr's appt as soon as I get insurance secured.  I was diagnosed with cubital tunnel/which is ulnar nerve entrapment, a few years ago.  I still have pain in my elbows often, and sometimes all day.  If I have my elbow bent in the same position for even a few minutes they hurt.  I don't know if it's the joint or not.  I have been having painful foot problems, which were just diagnosed as Morton's Neuroma in both feet.  I have sore spots that seem on the bone or joints in the foot which hurts to walk.  I have stiffness and pain in all of my fingers for a week now....I can't figure out what I have done to make them feel so tight.  Now when I first wake up in bed, I have pain when on the inside of one knee when bending it(I don't know if this is a joint or not).  I don't have fevers or fatigue out of the ordinary, or any redness anywhere.  But I'm getting sore muscles and knots in my upper back and in my legs too.  When my feet are bad, so are my elbows, which seems strange if it is an isolated problem.  I am just wondering if I might have RA or OA, fibromyalgia, or something of the sort, if anything sounds familiar to anyone!  Thank you! Of course it sounds familiar.. we all have different aches and pains at any given time..

but we aren't in the business of diagnosing...  but highly recommend you see your doctor and start yourself on the way to a diagnosis and help!!  Good health!
