Pets vs Bengay etc. | Arthritis Information


When I put on the Bengay or anything like it, my two cats get a smell of it and one hides from me and the other sniff me, makes this face, and then hisses at me or hits me with her paw and rakes the claws across the area that has the Bengay on it. Has anybody else have a problem with their pets and if you do, what do you do about it?

   MarisaHow funny. Can't say I've had the same problem but then I've never tried BenGay. Knowing my dog, she'd probably lick it and barf on the carpet.

I use those patches that smell the same as the ben-gay. My dogs seem to be used to it. Maybe it is a cat thing. Cats seem to be affected by changes in their enviroment more negativly than dogs.


It does help me to a degree with the heat relief, just hate the smell!!  LOL   I switched to Capsazin for topical analgesic and it works fairly well for a quick relief.